mask. Tho Dept. Auxlllary for thc thcy prcserttod and also for the self-oontalncd oxygcn oivlo mindcd pcople tn ths Post and Auxiliary, and the framc of nlnd by whioh lt was glvea. The Y.F.lYo w8s cetabllshod for thosc who serycd thclr oouatry and thc Fire Dept. to scrvc thslr oittzcns cutrustcd to thelr seourlty ln ttne of personal dls as torr JUHIffi. OIRI,S IJJ{I? INS?ALLATION Frtrends and notghbors ara eordLaLly will always dlsplay lt proudly, not only thlnklng of what it stande for, but thlnklag always of tho tnvitcd to at*end thc lastltutton and fnstalratlon of tho Junlor Girle Salt, sponsored by Fox River l*diaa Auxlllary to V,F.S. Post 4600, to be }:e1d ?uaoday i[ay 14th at 7160 P.M. &t the Y.F.I$. 8a11. Treagurcr Chaplaln p Conduotrcsa Guard Patrlotlo Instruotor . , Offioere Eleot srs as followe r Pr,ss idsnt Eo}11e Mary fleso Linda Je*n lleae Ist r/ioo hes* Znd Vioc Fbeg. Madelins i{est Seoretary 0o1or Fearer 0o1o:" Beerer ItrLetorian Constanoe CaIn 3nn l(oshl Joan Bolton Candi.oe Caln Fruik Joan Bnadioy Eollis 1 2 "iudith Brad lay Dele Pagc Constance Abblk iocr n!l I be llthol Jane ?obo, Dept. Color Bearoru Installlng Sfficor, Sorothy Bialak$ Stlx Distri,ot &'esidcnt. lnstalling ?earn - Stil Disi:" Insti.*utlng C{'f &ntEstf;c Eleewrmf,ed ffimkes Bya ffiaster ffiewwmmtor -4o,ro, e.&lotli., on cffi"otiirz'" Lt,ry ,sitfr. a 5p."iotty b.oozotJ Cofr. REYTTANJ{'S BAKERY LAKELAND PARK Route I20 andlAeadow Lana,Vz Mile West of McHenry PHONE 38s(nt Hours: 6 a.m. to 7 P.m. DailY, Except Saturday and Sunday 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays.