*A S?ATtsSMAN IS A porrrrCta,m -you AGREB WITH Ctr' *. pronREp oll trEFT, REcErvrNG ecneuptotf" IROFHIES FRSI MICKEY SUI,ID, PR.ESIDEIiT AIC TSUNT COI'N?Y BOHLING A.SSOCIATIOtr, iRE DON IIOEIES, SP$!{Sm.r TCt{ SUITSI{: Jzu I"ARIINT DICK F&EUNBT OEORCE XIISSALA sltu uoRRrE cRoucfl. The Quality of Our Work ls Our Bcst Adyertising EVERY FRIDAY McDONALD'S TAVERN FH$ffi $kW ItlIeG!tr$"LOM EEI{O BIIIRAS@I, ["eKE bcmllng ia the lfioEanry Rsoreatton Hlx fsaguon bomled a perfsot 300 gemc, $prll 34*h" Es i.s one of oaly a haadful of bwS.era tha* have aooca* pllshed tho f,ec,t of a SS0 game ae rc}l as a hholo-ln-oaee ln golf" fhls wae alse the f;lrst kagr*e Sasotssnad 5*G gane in HeHenrp'ffieof. l* *ranren*Iy hol*&ng e lS6 &v*r&gac $aflTf&?x*$I "Affi$Y [obs*er Tsfk $fieqks sff#fff:ffi$r 3he $o.Ivettea fu'xry Lrew bees givon offieie& pemlse$CIa tc *:si.d i*m annuaS t*g day, %oughnut &ay,e tn MeHonry on Friu June ?, r*ports Sre* Ear3. S" thrhardt cf Elmhuret, suburbea ohairxren for tho area-rl.riE drlvc. HoEcnry rl}tr ba dAc of approxlnately 15CI suburbaa oqurunltle6 ln Cook, SrFaga, Kano, Lake, HoHonry, Itiltr and Lekc (Ind") oouatlea that lr1}3 oclebrato the stlver annlversary of iBouglmut &ay!r slmultan- Ba* Jtri{H ?T}i eh.oiee*for v#ue, Edw hieln eost life issuran*e. 0cntact me todav! ffiffiffiffimY $. ffifrpffiw&Y 3315 ffiay's Barber Shop ItA Blocks East of River on South Side of Rt. 1,20 RAY PLUCINSKI, Proprietor Butch W. EIm Stneet McHenry, lllinsis Fhone 385"5285. lloer otl[cel AhofiriBdor. l]lhofrf txrurldcU ,,fl#,hfi.*f, ftrl - Crew Cut - Flat Tops