Illinois News Index

The Pictorial Newsletter: June 5, 1963, 5 Jun 1963, Page 5

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IilDERSO]I TREE SERYIGE TREE SURGERY PLAXTING - REMOVAL FITEPLACE W@O SPTAYING Ph.: Wocddoct FE ]2t?a; ScHrnry EV - iEID OIYI3 G'OAO '2576 37ll lY" Mrph Avenuo ltAeHrriry, lllincil ED Tho Bsv. fr.L. Thrmmel, Pastor of trativlty Luthcran Church, Eoader Lako, aad Hrr Clarqnoc Olsoa, lloBenry, Ecro seorg thosc rho rcprescntcd thc 544 oongrcgattoaa of thc Illlaola Synod of thc Luthoraa Churoh lu .*morloa at thc flrat annual S5mod Convaation, hcld la thc Pcrc Xarqucttc Eotcl LI'TEERA}IS BACT FAIR EOUSIrc Subscribe F{ow ***r ,asdffi NBCTT P. HIILLER teeps, Station !ffagons and Trueks WE SER,VICE ALL 8IAKES OF VEHICLES adoptcd by thc coovcattoa, rupportr opca oooupanoy larcn and rcadac qluthrrang vlsr tJra lasuc of hrmaa nclatlone ln thc tlght of Ghrletlan faith shioh dcolares thst Chrlst quc to glvc Ela llfc for tlrc sla of tb uorld and to hclp all ncn 1lvc asr llvas la oonforalty rtth thc 1111 of God. qlutharans furthcr bcllcvc that God cto&tcd osc hrrman fmtly aad that all mcn, rcgardlcse of thclr raoe, oo1or, oulturc, elass or reglonal baokgrouad, are thue Lnscparably rclatcd esd bound tqgcthcr. eh tigtrt of thcsc kuthe, Chrlsttan falth rcqul.rcs that mca shall aeek to I rcaolutlon, uaaalnously la fcorla, Hay UBLZ5d. Fhone 38ffi03 9?6 N" Frent Streot itcHonry, lllinolo oploSaoent, cduoatlon, reotroatlon rad aooccs to soolal rclfarc ecrvlccec t1o rcmtad our people that open ooaupalxoy dcsorl.bcs a somualty ollanate of oplalon rhloh pcrmits peoplc to buy and rcat houslag frccly la eay arcas rhere.thclr maanE 1111 permit rtrthout rcgard to raoo, acoord to cash sthsr tbc observaaoc of thc folloxlag nutual rlghta aad thclr oorrospoading respoas lbllltica . fTo alsrt a1l mcabere to the plitloal aad epirltual drngors l.nvolwd ln raolal prcJudtoc, capcotally ln the arcas of houslng, ffielflffiffiY Bf,lffimV e*eed.,*u o ffWl8f86 o !.{DE d GATERITIG tAIfY o BAraOUCll c CLittE rollglon or natloaal ortgln: rTo epoourago our membcrs to ta&e speotflo ctepa to holp cad ecgrcgatloa in houslng as roll ae othcr areaa by dolng thc follorlngr 1. Organigc dicoussloa aad ctudy groups to cxamlae faotc, trnlielcr aad takc aotlon. 2. Dcolarc thcmeclyas sE lndlviduals and as parishes to takc a etand agalnst sogrctatlon. 5. Deolarc thclr lnslttoa to publlo sohool adslnlatratora, polltloaf lcadors, rsrepapprr, rcal cstatc opcrators, cto. 4. 3o rork for eush oonstruotivc ohargce aud for pubIlo rupport of dcnosratloally cnaotcd lare rhlch oonform to Clrrlstlan standatds.r wmot-EsAt E icrAu:r\xT *tar3 Ot c Srnd$ t ar.lo tt p.rCALL t$arn ttdLirt Uf il" Cr.o6

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