REMOYAL TREE SURGERY _ PLAiITTTIG tpairtlG FTIEPL.ICG SOOD Ph.: Woodrtoct FE 325?C; kH.Gry EY t25ra TIDERSOT TREE SENUrcE TCID ONUts GOAD 37lt W. ffirpb Avcnue lllcHrrirf, Illincir ED fiyi*fu wq.;r$Eesi ffi ** ut L'UTHERA}i OHURC}T Lake Rosd ,506 g, ',{onder Wonilar Lake, I11. # Phcne 555*3834 Past61 i{. L. fhummel $UNDAY at 8:OO and 11!0C AM! The Serrrlee. -9:]O eUl Chunch School. THURSDAY at ?lfO PMI Senlor 0trol:: NATIVITY u trox 15? rgtrearse l" n W**g ffi'*"ogu ffi$ffiffi P- ffiELLffiffi $eepm, S&mfrwsa ffiw#tsws amd Yre*ks &Lt #A,p6g &iq tryHicL6s Ptuaasa SSffi*+*$ ??6 gte. Frsr:i $9rrer *t{ertrb", SiEind* sEftw$E w# fficl$EffiffiV BnngtsY fuFeeffi;tu o SG1@OllG d GffiERiTG e LOS ?AtfY o lll*If,T3 o Ctll$ rl0rsALE r:St^rnlxtl^?t Ofr fntfr 7 r.r.I lt 7r- Ecr ftaaoc rcocntly graduated froa thc & Ure , Roy Redwaaa, HoEcary, announoo {-r. thc c4gagcnant qf tholr daughtir, Sandra Joaca, to Lar.ry Bendcr, soa of !dr. & Mrs, Enorson Bcndsr of $cwman. Jt 1960 graduato of lfioEcnry Etgh Sohool, sho ls cuployod as a soorctary for an advortlslng agcnoy la Chloago. rO tsE NTRRIED mer woddlng. Ualvcrslty of Ilttnols and wlII bogta graduatc rork thls fa}l at prlncetoa Unlv. 1lrc young aouplo ls plaontng a 1atc s r.ur- c rL ltatr llll L. Gl..e Iftrrl Thank God You Are Living ln the United States