LIST ISSimtS FIC?EF.E GUESSING wae nonc other than l{iohael Pitecn who llvos at 904 N. H.iver Rd", McHenryn Tho abovc photo chots Mr:* Pltacn working ln hig gardan. A '*nique b}.ead of oultural, eduoatlonal, an-d entartsinmont fsatures nake thc Crurir3r Art Pair a *gnder-fr"l1 av*ut f er tho "vhoLe f aniIy. In kseping wlth t}te splrlt cf oroatlvo, psreonal partlolpattor ln the arts, a group of talsnted folk singors wiLl. bo o:r hand to adC to the axoitement. Tbc list of porfornars tnoltiCas both amatour and profess lonal tnstrunantelists and rocal.!e ts , and their re]:er'u-oirec include tho best aad nost autir*et5.s axa:r.plse of the iacreasiagly popuSar folk miisis" Iiany artists and r.:raftsnen wiLl" 'ue on haad during the ehor to present }lve dcmonstratlone of thclr skttrI ln many eaoh dey" Junc 2L, ?2 aud 23, fr@ uooa untll 10 P.M. eaoh dayn Tickets to thc Falr oerry unllmlted ra-admittanoe privLlcgos and ma.ry viewcre w111 want to attend the sholi mcr* than onoe, ia ordar to enJoy tht vari*ty of, fcaturcs t* be offerad forr.s - JUNE 21,22 and 2g A growing list of spcoial aotlvltlcs has bcen announocd for thc seveath aanual Country Lrt Falr, whloh wlll bs hel-d at the MoEenry .Iunior Eigh Sohool COUNIIY .ART FAIR ls sSronsorad by the lllomanrs Auxillery to the UoEon:y Eosp!.ta).. Tha show f,aaturce work by MoHen:y 0o. artists in a judged sheer shloh offors a $1.00 prtae for the palntlng Judgod bset of tha strarr. Thc show and nodlms. PETffiR 3807 W" Elm Street M. JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME 38s-(x)63 if,ellenry, lllineis OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulance 385-0063 hIAT{DY RESUSCITATOR