I VILLAGE CF UC CULLA.I I.AKE Jance lrgy, ploked up la Fox Lako on a bad ohook ohargc, bcln5 tho ecoond ondorsor on thc chcok, wao plaood undcr boad for trtal. Polioc Offloor Fos JUST A R&II}DER - Dontt forgot thc Annual. tl vaI. . . . C ULL{M-[ NgtL .A.SS OC I ATI Oli, S at" tuguet 3rd at tho park in MoCultom Laka. CONTESIS - GTMES - AT}ULT G$,IBS - FOCD Upon hcarlng of th1s, Polleo Chiof John Sohlofnor, plokod uD iirgyrs orcdentlals and badga, and lnfomcd Polioc Cwrnlssloncr lrthur Nelson, of tho cvolltr !F. Nolson lnetruoted thc Chlcf to send Mr. See this fabulous Argy a thc outoomc lctter of suspoaslon, of tho trlal. pcndlng Your Telephone Number Is as Distinctive as Your Horne Address Other folks may have to l'each you, not somea one in I)a1las, Denver. tr car like yours houselikeyours...and or Devil's Elbow. I1o. clothes like yours. This business of a speBut no one-absolutely no one has a phone cial rrunrber for ever'1'- oNLY@ *** teiW REFRIGERATORS a,ui i{i{iiiTn,*t t CTA 5]3 up usable number (including the borly eats Area Code) like yours. teie!r1.)one preflxes Iike :F** ci'az]:. !lspet:iai1y the Each has to he dis- {. !,' the popillation muitinctive befiuse it's like l;pir":. Tlti'i's whr' *,' Callan adciress; and when i')l!\ rr All \unther people dial it, they want ing. Thrs g:r ps t:s mot r L,-J 4 IT'S ON 1ilfI.IHELSI t*leplrulte pt'eiix"s. Llnough to last to 2r.)1)0 A.il. if rve're luck5-. Thank GGd Vru &re Living ln the Unilted Ststes 6-B ffiffiroffiffi Wonder Lake, lllimois i-unch or Dinner by Reservation Ask Absu! Day Rates for Fun Western Stylq PHONE WONDER LAKE 653S17I SNLY :'J-ff'ilg[* $A39ut 2-Door Convenienco Twin"erispers $lold 0ven }I',/T S&Wan6Ge Sdaa &# Erstcnt Fod - Coclrcih % Eushel BACXED BY HOTPOI'II'S WRITTE$T 8g.DAY REPLAEEMENT EUARAIITEE 0F SATtSrACr[0f, 2l It X. Piori fior Boot Docking on For Rivcr llr f.d Giryt |cil-rr, lh.lr LEE & RAY ETECTRIC IfcHenrl' r0IlS N, Fr.ont St