GRAND TOUR. ! ,J, I Ar you cntrr thc door you will sae cur huge BUTTON BOX. Ths. bultonr arq FR.EE with yout purchu. Our BABY COUNTER lr rfockcd wirh edoreble tsuSTER DEpARTfi ENT ifAfgppllY FAghllONS. o$ every description. - eizes up to 52. ilfanfl ehillrlry rnd bvcly packrged beby gifb of rll kindr Anothcr intonding rum it"our SURPRISE ROOil dl kindr of giftrreru, larnpc, rnd A herd to find iiem ir gfiOCKS. We have them. All ovcr the rlore, in nerf and orderly fashion, will find LADIES AFFAREL, such ac , you q!E!SES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, SLACKS, whrt hrvc you. The con*irrr of SLACKS, SHIRTS, WORK CLOTIIES. Bo!tu WASH PANTS rnd DR.ESS SIACKS. Wo rhorirn !{r ofion prntr end rnin,r work prntr ,FREE OF C|{ARGE. rryc c!.aqgc on[y JO for arfflng mrn,r drar ,ufEN,S. SECTION ' ' pcr prir. rhct:" lt trltrr hre fhrn Qo mlnutor Our UNIFORil DEiTARTmENT.b rho trtarrt in thir rrcr. Wr -rhosrry-nrn'r Drcron Jeckcte. taa I "Soup lo Nutt" mtorlment from Tool Borcr lo Toutert, Stuffed Toyt to Spwlng ,tlechinct. We couldn,t posribly, list cUcryfhing. Why not come on down, ,and' , . so fof yourrolf? , >' :LI=I, LYDIA, ERICA, DOROTHY, CLARI, fnAN, PHYLLIS, end CAROL are here ro hdp yeu rvrn dryr r wcek. Wr OIFI wiAP FTEE oF CHARGE. Your klddlor crn rldr our. horrct white you shop. Wr rn AIR-CONDIT|ONED & SPORTSWEARI .LINGER.IE, SLEEPWEARyou walk up end y'own our aisles, you wifl