of dclphiair.m blua gaorgettc crrr taffat* rtth bsautiful orohids pt-nnrd ts thc leca bodioo. Ihtrs rodcrful party ri1l long bc rsmabcrcd bv ths gurstc and thc Gatos 'fmlly. sheeth ry ,:,*.*, # ** &x .k*. & L*f: rlEg lltcH? ottls'r LEfT !O EIGEfT fEil C0CIIAC, RGSELLE, ILL. fiE PtrItE, DEERFTELD, rf,L, BrLL MOOHE, I{EI}B Llf,E, IIi, V.IOIAT GTiE GIVITG lnR MSB.$I, DtT 1tr8 FIRST BITB ffi Tf,E TPDITG GIf,B. S1 silvcr mddlng otb&rattsn uhlah took plaor lprlI 25, for Yto}ct md tsl:r Gatac, rea e grcat 3trooc!!* In !ddltion to liqui.d rcfrcchcats t?rarc lrns e scrlr flnr solcctlm of dalLslous ?ie* L"..,'ffi S@DIHG CET.BRi?Iffi ; food. Bclrftrcld, Itlr; red Blil looru, ftndcr tr kc. Thc fcllora pl.aycd smo a1ghfr3r finc lluslo. In adili.tlm to thc 1O0 losrl guoata rho rorc prartnt thcne rorl nrny out of torn gucste, rhloh inotudad; Ir. Harras StulrlfcLcr, ilIannapo1fu , Ir. end l{rs. E nr:r Ge rtu, Dclopa Gt1lmd and Floransr Farrrll, 8t. Peul, tr. md lfe . BllL Getcr md Jeck of FaLl Lakr, f,ieo.e llr. rnd Fs. Llhooln Lcr aad itaugbftors E[lrlrc md Frgg3r, of Zrar, Saadrlch, lh. md Urs. iltllll Ha5rroodl tf,r. aud Ira. Robrrt Entght, tilrliade md Bobby of Lr0rxrgt, illr" and t[ra. Ford Margh of lsltBd Iska, end Xargarut Beok aad Bob bm of, Forogt Fark" Ylts paronts taudc and "f,rt $tqhlf*icr and har soa 01oan" brlpcd v$.th *lrc iroeting dutlss. $oa, 8c&, xt*tiomed in Glrrne*1 Ga" " tou}d got bc prac*a*" Dnnsing uas er3*grcd by evcr3roaa thanks tr tha f!"na suslo'furrlahrd by th. 'tilI&ET Cltlso, rhloh fsatursd, frn Cognao, Rosrllc, fII., Jol hfinrt l" Jl4olfrzz wttfl too. -- Mrs" Stevens- Finest Chocolotes CORSAGE BOXES BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED GIFTS .- CARDS BEAUTIFUL AND UNUSUAL GIFTS FOR MOTHER 4?afnaGifts-Gandies (Formerly Candy Box) 1242 Green Slreef, For tha oooqaloer Vlotr.t otroso McHenry 385-0097 a