HE THAT CANNOT OBEY CATTIOr COAA,\AAND All General Office Supplies LEADING BRANDS TYPEWruTERS AIIID ADDING MA661N=, R.ENTED 3gll W. Elm Street IMAUSE ilETUS AGENCY phonp 3g54I5 SEPTIC SYSTETIS Scwcr R.odding 560 indivlduals, 4g organizations and cfubs, 6 businossos ahd g lifc mombrrships, onc of whioh ls an organization. A ohartcr ncnbcrship list was passod out to thosc in attcndanoc and oopios may bo had at thc sociotyrs room. Slnoo oloso of ohartar dcadlino 14 indiviCuals and 3 orgaaizations and olubs anC 2 life mombcrs havs bcen aoocptcd. Mamborshlp is open to anyonc intcrastad in prceer"vlng tho past history of the oountry. Memborships MOHENRY COUNTY IIISTORICAL S OCIETYI Root Cutting Equipment SEWERS II'ISTALLED PHONE 385-t9s0 ELMER GLOSSOT 3809 W. John Street fcHenry, lllinois naxt annual moetirg. applications arc to bo had at thc soolatyrs headquartcrs or by contaoting any offiocr or direotor. Voluntccrs wor6 askcd to sign up for tho Standlng Cornmlttoo for Library, Muscum and Historio Sltos. Several signrd up but moro 1116 necdad if the sooiotlr is to bc a dl.rnamic organization. If you aro intorostod ploaso writo tho sooicty Bc 3, Woodstook. This will bo most intorosting and rowanding work in presorving tho past. tr{cmbors wi}} scrvo unti} Your FrienJ [r* Li{e * I{UNSING SCHOLARSHIPS }IOIY AVAILABLE }'RO}d IIET'ITAL HEALTi{ DEPAiT?E]UBI : Rlohard L. ?azwcI1, Suporintoadcnt of Mo$onry County SchooIs, -boday announocd that arrangomomts had bcon complctad for d[1]1iam E. Skaddon, Hea1th Eduoator of thc lllinois Departmrnt of l.{cntal Hcalth to t;o in his offioo in thc Court Housc Annox in'lToodstook oa Thurstlay, Juno 4 from 9100 A,U, to 12:00 P,M.e to oxplaln HEAR YE!! coltE To LOUISE'S ROBERT I. CONWAY 3315 W. Elm St., McHenry, lll. S}IAGK SHOP ltls N. Rivercide Trty For Horne-arrde Soups Srndwiclroc Pier Phone 385-5285 State Farm PHONE 38S2687 For Trkc-Out Orders (xocd Srdry rd Modty - Home Office: Bloomington, Illinols. Life Insurance Company.