HE COrvlrvlANDS ENOUGH THAT OBEYS A WtSE MAN Ray's Barber Shop llA Bhclr Ed oI Rinr oo Sourh Sido of RAy pt_rrclh$rt, prcpridor lutcf, Cr, -- Fld Top Rr. l2O NORTEERN -Crrr gubdivlsion on Iako Ccr'lya, wiII bo featurcd on tho NBC Ncws ilight Roport rith Floyd Kalbor, Thursday, Junc 4. ?hr news show on Y$NBQ, Channol 6, Chioaor is sponsorod by tho Northora III. Yalentino SoIlinger, prosident of U. S. Bulldrra, will bc intorviawcd by Carmcllta Popc, IV star and NI-Gas Eostcs6. Thoy will disouss tho outstandlng fcaturos of tho firm?s homcs built on Wortlrnorc Estat6E. Gas Cmpaay. ILLINOIS GAS COTIPANY: rlforthonorc Estatos, the ncwly formod CANDIES COSMETICS TOI1EI ITEMS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGERS DR,UG STOR,E 1259 N. Grron Strcrt 3Sta5e PLANT THE FINEST. . . -Sp-GARDET AxiluAls For o colorful summer $tllIEErstxrErlt gorden with on obundqnce of goy, !onglorting blooms. rATHY THgLEN and Iook over our gay assortment found on SWEET SIXTEEN'S exclusive list of garden annuals. Why not pay us a visit today MARIGOLDS ZINNIAS - latest, most ASTERS . . . all the up-to-date bedding varieties are _ PETUNIAS-SNAPDRAGONS while stocks are complete. Plan to browse around a while; there's Mr. and trlrs. Bon J. Thelcn of John !dr. and Mrs. Bcn rI. ?hclcn of Johneburg announoo tho cngagomcmt of thoir daughtcr, Kathy to Los Klotz, Eon of Mr. and Mrs. Lcstor Klotz, of Johnsburg. Mr. Klotz ls a 1961 graduatc of the MoHenry Eigh Sohool, Miss Tholcn wll1 graduatc f rom Ltarlan Ccntral iligh Sohool Woodetock, in Jund No datc has bocn prices. lots to see-and at reasonable sct for tho wedding. TUIARTIN'S FARM HiwrY 3l 3% Mils N.W. of McHcnrY nirrBwood" lltiool$ Thank God You Are Living ln the United States I