SEXII-MONTHLY P I C T() RI A [. NE W S I, ITT I R JUNE l0 Cents Per Copy 3, 1964 - y0LUME 8, NUMBER 20 FAIR AND IXTPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COAA'YIUNITIES STATE RESPPORTIONMENT ISSUE : Thr stato roapportionmcnt issuc is onc that almost nobody undcrstands. It is going to takc oonstant explanatlon botwrcn norr and Nov. 5 if looal votcrs aro to oomprohond tho prooodurcs of this unprooodontod at-largc olcotion. Unfortunatcly, it oennot bc cxplalncd brldfly and wo arc palnfully awaro of thc faot that many rcaders will laok thc paticnoc to follow thc dlscusslon-thcy ri11 bo ignorant of urany of thc basio faots and tha prrecnt eltuatton has cvcn tho cxperts oonfuscd. Ncvarthcloss wc hevc got to nakc an affort to inform grcat nmbcrs of pcoplcl if thc olcotlon is not to bc a oomplctc shanrblas. Out of oonfusion of thc statc r6apportloumcnt lssuc has ariscn an opportunity to send tho finost lcgislaturc .vcr asscmblod to Springficld acxt yoar. In addltion to thc nomlnaos of thc major partios, a bluc-rlbboa slatc of busiucss and civio Isadcrs, ohuroltrcn, cducators, Joumalists and quaLificd mcn'end womcn from cvcry dlstrlot in the stata w111 bc offcrcd to Illinoig votcre undcr thc spoaeorshlp of thc Third Slats Conmlttco. By voting for thc Thir{ Slatc as wcll as for his pardllcraa shrilc climina$ing from our Gcncral Assonbly nambcrs of the lYcst Sidc bloo and cthsr undesirablc oandidatcs. ty prcforcnoc, cvcry oitizon wiIl bo hclplng to solvo tho raapportionnent