hold hcrc ln lloEcnry and we will bc tha hosts. You will rcoolvc morc infor^rtatlon on this lator. bo nccdod. hcld ln Springflcld, Illlnole in JuIy. Any ncdcrs who plan oa attcnding thc Convontion oan gct morc information at our qext moeting. Wo wi}l not hold a mooting in July bcoaus6 of tho .AmorIcan Legion Carnlval. As mcmbcrs of tho Lcgi.on, our help w111 BELfIIDERE KIWA}IIA}IS Tho Dcpartmcnt Convontlon ls to bo would go. ians hostod a group fron tho Kiraals of Balvidora. Our cltrb wae gibca an lnvitatlon to attcnd a Estcak 6utE JuncrlOth at a farm owncd by a ncuber just .outsidc of Bclvidcra. ?aa uenrhors fron"iiYondar Lakc lndiaatcd that thcy CIub Monday, May 25th, VISTI WCFII}ER I,AFE. IYondor Lakc Eirea- Noxt.ulckrs spcaker wil} bs Fienk Lontz. 'Art L.au rllL bc leaving for thc Kluanls Convrntion 1n L.*. Eoortr .&rt will also takc a sida trlp to f,asall. t[R, IT{D }MS, DENNIS BI"ASA. Mr. Dcnnie Blaha of Pistakoo Highlaads was narrlcd to Miss Carolyano Taylor of Lakc Shoro Drlvr, May 16, ln St. Uaryts Catholio Churoh. Shr is thc dau' ghtrr of Br. erd Mrs. &11 Glbson, and ho ls tho son of M.r. &D,d ilrs. H. Blaha. EELP'trANTES typiet part timc. Appy Piotorial r\'lcwsIcttcr, F.O; lox 67, UoEcnry, Illinois. RBCOVERINGI Rivcrsidt Drivc; is rcoovcring from an opcration and ro all wlsh him a spccdY fOOOViffo Elnar 01ocn, of Louisots Snaok ShoP Sr:nday May 17, at Natlvlty Ilthoran Church of tToador Lakc. Thc scrvloos wcre off lolatcd by the Rcv. ':Tarrcn fLmatlon ?hrrgmol. Doriald Nclson aon of EarI and Elma Nolson, of Mo0ullom Lako, madc hls Con: Mrs' lrlarto ltroJnaokt, grrettng the many and tclcfricads of tho F and M radior,lrivc, thcir vtsion at I326 N. Rivcrsldo 'nrw losation.