}trfiit{0Rtir-l fiR.E&fg PIACED 7. hlr. a.u.d. idrs. Itrarry Berry alad mother I*frs. Y. Berry Sr. placed a mernorial rroath of flowors upon the lake i.a taemory of Harry Borry <Ir. rrho Srmday, Jrare i IH tC CUtLOid L,i.gE For Dod's Doy drormed on Jure 7. fivo years agb. fhe youth ryas almost sixteem. years old at tbe tiroe. ll'CNDE"!. I-{,ffi IfrWi{IUS cLuS the Kirraais Club is plarning aa. aunuaJ. sports alght. Chairnaa .nrt IaGrocg. an"uouaeod the date as August lfth. SUMMER SPEGIALS 0n HOTPOINT APPLIAI{CES ,'HOTPOINT" AER CONDITIONER. Fronr Our Complete 0ilLY $199" HotPoini Air Conditioner 4,000 BTU IO,OOO BTU MEN'S COSAAETIC SECTION HotPoint Air Conditioner 6,000 BTU J . r SHULTON LANVIN KING'S MEN ; STILL Giving Plaid Stamps Also o",rt12495 o",,:l54es MANY OTHER AIR CONDITIONERS . . . HAIR BRUSHES SHAVING KITS SHAVING NTEDS Siore l0?o ovER ouR cosr *lclten4/s Friendliesf Drug RAY ELEGTRIG LEE &(The Electric PeoPlc) r@5 N. Front Strcei Phonc 385{108:l FR.EE PAIKING N YE 1325 McHcnry, ltlinoir N. Rirrridc Drivc DRUGS licHcnry, lllinois PHOilE 385t4,25