Csll on BM Jor SH'RT TAUTDNY Hove sh&ls butffi as you lftle tfrqn! . STARCHED T() ORDER-litht, medium, tmwy c o dar,ch at -ll . BROKEN BI'.ITTONS R"EPI.A(:NDminor rep8irs dom fre IA{LTH c:i.iTER };fffs 0n Ja.auary 11, 1960 tfre iierLs.l Eealth Cqrter for iicFenrf Cor:nty began seeing patieats rrho were referred to the Clinic oy varl,ous referral sources in the cor;tctrurxity euch as courts, physiciaas, schools: aiuietera, mombera of the feu.rily ard lndiyiduals sB a self.referral basis. Siuae that time the }deatal ]iealth Center has sem. more tirsr 850 patients and the requests for serrricoo by residents of tiri s coauruatty has beon increasiag each mmth. Ihe aceegted sta.ad.ard for clinicel fi:aotioning is oae frr]1-tine professional HES?AI, BMffiHtr#" lt5-7353 {cE rt ,7Ol W. EIm St. AT NAIIONIL CT TEME TOT a Itt-k:. tr ! pr. Open Drily: t r.m. to 3 nr-ftr clinical team. coasisting of a ful.l-time psychiatrist, psyahol.ogist and. psyehiatrie social worker for each 501000 populattm . the MentaL Eoalth Center for lloHenry Couaty has the equivalent staff of less thae three msmbers to sor-'e e population ia excess of 811000. Unfortunia prop,ortion to the size of thB cor:mrurrity and, the requests for serrice, this results in loag raitiag lists defeating the eoncepts of prerren'iCoE or early diagnosis ateLy, sincs Be are badly und.er-staffed, McHENRY KART PARK SALES and SERYICE on Compus Bikes and a^r'd troatzlent. lho rapid. epaasioa of requests for mental hoalih services in the comruniQr has, unfortrmately, beea :r,atcb.ed by incroasl.r.g persomel shortagesr .-s a result a loag wai.ting list has accurulated anrl it has nor becss.e recessary to turn domr all roquests for neEr seflrices, exeept thoso omorgoaoles as enraluated [,' ihe peychiatric direetor, wriil flirther noti oe. For Korts New and Used Engines Z. frotn f129.50 up .. . I P.M. ro HEAR YE!! COTAE TO LoutsE's SI{AGI( SHOP I3*t ]{ Rivcr,side Soupe Pacs TRACK OPEN DAILY ll P.M. Spocirl Rrlcr on Club rnd Prriy Dr0ol ('orner of Lineoln and ('hrlrt Hill Boed f'or Trrfy llomc*rndc S.rduictu Phone 385-9735 or 385-1994 Pt{oNE 38S26E7 For T*c0uf Orders CXoca - (.IIARI.I'SI STILI,I!iG Srary rd Mo.da,