IR.EE CtRgUS FOR l a last five yea,rs. eit tfre prents aeed to d.o is to register their childrea at Ber:rices a:rd lftriteyts store qnd they rili be givon a xeime tag that will arlmit theno oato i;he bus. The chaperones will be the Leonarti Jeaseals Jr. and the Bud kend-eIts Jr. ff any othor adults would like to go rith a"nd help loolc after the children they can cell- ;Clbert ilecht at 185-1L57. SELF-S3irE Twenty years ago suprnrarket; sheLves carried some 1rO00 food, items; today the total is about 81000. Illinoib for grad.e and Jr:nior Eigh school eldldrer that live in the village of L{o Ctrllon take a::d attend any of the ifellorr;r schooLs. ?he Tebala Shrine Teneple at RoeHord flLiaois will be having there Uth Alrrual Girous, last year tire Clyde Bros, Circus Eas so outstandiag that they will again bave the sane Clyde Bros. Cirsus rith all netr actts. The date for the cirous is August 12, 1!da and the r{orts llaosportetlon Btrs Cm,parry h::.s been hired. to supply two large sc}ool buses. ?he buses rilI be at ilre beach at o:00 P.ii. and leave at 6:10 FJ. to meet other buses flom Crystal l,eks. ?here :r'i11 be State Police car escorts to and frort the cirous. Tfilbert Eecht will be all the arrartemeats for the eircus trip" iir. Ilecht is a m.enber of ?ebala Shrine Temple and he atteaded. a xreeting in EoclCord last seek to report thlt it will be the best circus i.n the Roc1dord. A flee trip to the Shrlne Circus at }iC SULLOH Li}3 CEILDi.Ef Coll on BM Jor SH'R7 IAUTDRY SERY'CE Have shirts loundercd os you like ,ftqn! STARCHED TI) ORDER-light, medium, heavy or m starrh at allBROKEN BLTTTONS REPIJICED minor repairs done froe: - BM i*;lgx?fi,: t7O1 lW. Elm St ltIFZei6 {cIIeEr5r AT NATIOIYAL IEA PAIf,IIYG IITI Opor Drity: t rm. to C p.m-Ifur f fhl. E !.3 to e p.m. IIIcHENRY KART PARK SALES and SERVICE otr Compus Bikes and HEAR YE!! I For Korts New and Used Engines comE To , LOUTSE'S S]IAGI( SHOP tEls N. R.ivorido Trrf,y froor $129.50 up .. . I P.M. to TRACK OPEN DAILY Spociel R.rlcr on Club Il P.M. llon*mr& Soopc S.rd'rrich. PiG. PltoNE 38lt-25r Meriry For rnd Prrly Detol F.or Td<+Out Ordrrs ('orner of Lincoln ard (-'halrl Hill Rrrad era hfu d Phone 385-9736 or 385- 1994 (.IIABI,IqS STII.I.I\(: