Ncrr frorrr fcHcrtr., T--drie" Coynry, Cirf of ffcHccry, Lrtchnd llcllen-1 Prrk, Wcrt Shorc, Viilegl *-m.C.rlt*, Highlendr, Xrinrcrrin p.rt, 5:.1., Pirieltcc Villrgc of Lelcrnoor end yillqc of Suoay-rb. I evury dhcr Wcdnrrdry br XEWS lybllt!" LETTET PUBL|SHtRS. Copv r" il i" wcck before publicrfien &fc.- Addrcs p- O, 6.7-, lllinoL- pfEr EV 5OIG lor -mcHcnry, Compiled rnd Orrncd bV ARTHT L STT HLFEIE NEWSLETTER: 'puBl,lolmolr oEEIcB 2'122 t. oBGtBD m. WT.I.ICE OF IC Ct'IJff IIIrR SUBSCRIPTION BLANK SUBSCRIPTION volunteered ihsir se:sieg for the a:anua1 f\md drive of the Chicago Cla$er of S^atio::aL Qystic Fibrosis Sesearch loundatiou, aceordi:rg, to its presid.e:t, Lrs. Doald 1'r'ilIians, 201; Eo1,nes -iye,, Clarendoa Ei.l}a, I1I. ufhe drive rrill be held from Segte-iaber 1 to 15 a:nd or:r goal is 2Or0OO vo}s.teers aad $J.OOrO0Orn Xrs. ;fillioms said. Isst year Erore than 11r0OO vo}a.teers oolleotF od an a114ipe higr' of nearly $5O'CIOO from door-ts-d,oor coalectio.a to help ffght crystio fihoei.s, a ohro:rio dlsease rhich affects the lugs snd di6astign 81000 l,r0lTrtii:F. ICi {5 ii;.l f.-.,-|-.,?: Eiore tiu.n Er00O peopie already nave TO THE PICTORIAL NgW$ LET'IER IS f2.00 PER YEAB OR tr-r5 rrOR 6 MONTHS. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6?, McHENRY, IrrrNOIS. NAME BOX NO. ROUTE NOSf,ATE-- of infents and ekildro,. this Srearla 6:rsLic Fibroais drive agaia ril} bo held la' sir Illilols oolntlee (e,ook, Ike, hPage, Eaae, ffi.Il aod, ldcEary) aail ia Ia.Io Coraty, Iad. nsareaqn+ Hrs" Ei.Ili-ans erlilataed tbat, f[*t pareat of tbe rBqEey ril1 go ts our uatiaal Eadquartcs for catiauiag rososrch sirrce tro ctrro bs 3rct beffi. forud for c5rotlc fibrosie. TO NEWSI^ETTER PI]BLISHERS. MAKE CHECK OR UONET ORDEB PAYABLE *frtrtc llot ,;* I ) ,{ Ir eIr., l } ,!t 5. REYTA]IT'S L IEI.AD ?AII BTTTETY brb t2trJlbrlr L*lf nUrd*fbr; ttff-il| lb- 5u'b7r.r'Ef IffiCu.Itlr, r-r. b O fr. Chra +ifu, 5 fud!,