iloEF,ltRY FTESIA DrrT SUNDAY wlLI oolebrate ite soventh lnnual Elesta Day co the Lpth of .Iuly. ldc8mry JUIY L9 Een{y. Ihe judges ge}ected } goth Glystug, d,aughter of lfr. aad Urs. f,enneth Glysing of McHol:ry ae the gueen. Beth is a statuesque ratural blondo, rho is lt 10t taIl. aad ls 16 years of age. She attende the local ldofienry hlgh sch- of Comer"e tlds eeent, one of the "ror,,itfy highltghts was tbe ohooslug of Uise Eiesta h'y I!6[, at the yItr post 116OO of uo sporsors The HoEonry Chanber sts of th6 Chamber of Conmerce aad the locaI merolrasts at the Ner york ?Torlds Falr, she speat four ftm thri11 pached. days there, flying by 1la^rre lforld Alrlfures vislttng naay Bpots of iaterost besides the pai1. Beth ril1 reign over the Ei-osta Day oelebratim. Saturday night oa the 1.8th at the VFTI oo1. Beth and. her rrother were tlo gue- rrho rri I t he ln tha rrrria w'ith spectal guest star i':ies McHenryr ?he McEonrlr mea of Drum Corpa rrtll slnasor the first fflesta Fliag Danco, music 1111 be W Bob trlorndlg orohestra aad it 1111 start at 10:00 P.Si. Suaday, July lpth riIl be the blg day ths Bnass Post ll, th{ o rl 1l f\a llllaols narching and naausverlng. Oponing tho shor rill bo the State Jraior Chanploa DriLl learo from McHenry and spcasored. \r the YFII Post LCOO. the l^a.ksrnoor Seorrts- at lic Cyacl:ea Field, at J:00 p.l,i. Ihis is a conpotltion of Drun Corps in muslc aad lnecisiou Drun Corps i{agic Spectacle P3II. Io help the -,nFhy fino eating ostabllslueats that rrl1l be senriag tho nany thousarcd.s that d.ay the 1ltr'ili and iegim Eomes r1I1 also be serving food. Ihe prade should last about a.a hor:r a ha1f, just enough tine for people visiting HoHenrlr tbat day to relax, hayo dinner in HcHenrSr alrd thoa attead the erealag Corps IYom Colorado Strniags, and tho Narry Baad flom Groat i"a!es. Xationatr opon chau.pd ms the .ilr1ette Dri1l fean 1lom Rormd. Lako vri1l also be in the lnrade. Floa Noon rmtil elx p l{ the }ioEenry Jayeees wlII be serriag thelr aymual Clr1ckea o the Green in the lfcllenry City iag tfita and maqr of the corntryis finest Drre Corpe wilf begii sharply at 2:00 P.I{. 156 se?rymtttee bas beeu fortuaate have trnrtlcttrattng tn the parade i9 "gufo the United States Air Force Acaderqr Drr_rn her first loom prblic appearaace sj.nce being chosen and crcrrmod-nMlss fllinolsn Jhe fua flIled. larade rrith floatsr. mareh- PETER 3807 W. Elm Strccl M. JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME 385-063 llcHenry, lllinoir OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulance 385-0063 HANDY RESUSGITATOR