NO NAAN CAN CTIfVIB VERY HIGH BY PULLING HIs TTEEAIiS OF BORTD HAR 1 OF lEE II.S.A. FRIENDS DOWN. , regular uoathly aeetiag of the IioEery Berraeks of tho Terterans of lTorLd 1{ar I sf the II.S.A. eas helit fhrrsday Sept. I at I P.$. et the ltneria?"r Legton Esrse. Ehe Ltems dlsctrssed trerc the laorease ta soeial seeuritSr that is being csasidered bgr Coagress mil.l briag their iaeome abcrye the allssable limit ?he MGHEHRY EARBACTCS #tltE er income trntrrmeats, allorr higher other ilreome end. allw trnrcioners to regnrt olo.l:y 9V, ef their sociaL securi.tSr as ineomo, More infomatts. sill be available at the uert iaoetiag. The 12th. SrcaL Curmtim of the Yeteraas of I![or].d. .Tar I ri1l be heId. ia Chioa.go, SeirL. 12 thra ry, 1961+. DeLegates r;rere eleeted at our last rmeting to represent the Baraaks. It silL probably be some years before re have another 1T.8. 1 ecmvaatisr., so if you oa:r attend, pleaoo d.o so. G94e KaEg! Adjutaat t for tbelr Teteraas Sreoeiea. 8[.].1 #1927 has been passed b5r the Eouse shich llborelize the trrcasim. Sasrments of the Los'braekats 36P." .A$D Brandenburg Rdand Route 12 I@csllc, I[ioois 3t5-.{615t INGLESIDE PLUTSBIT{G Repair and Jobbitrg Residential }R.S. SIBP.E 1',EITT]IG 0F t-.cttr]try" U1i YCiBIG ,]AUPI.,JJ ;.IIX :.-i,rDT]I3 ]]. GIff] ELLY}T mIJ,0I1TTG a E0$Efj,"OOt'I IRIF TC COLu,tu'_DC. Kotalik Stu.dio pirot,_r 8th. Ix S?, rAlRTCl,:rS fiETF"CE, l-cTi']IiY, fifr Bi.tfli.j IS ?m FOFI.. ;E S.iliDF*. l,EIlTlIG, nAUGitTL}. uF tll. jJlj:r ljls,_IED .LUGUS? H.S. '!.IJi,I,T,1ji G. Srttl, i-,lilu - Induslrlal - Comrnercial Patronfuc llrr ldvcrtizcrs Sryflanlao?qt Azf Excollom Food - Cocttoih EDDIE BENNETT AT THE ORGAN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TOI.EI ITEirtS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED 2t Picrs fior Uoor tlocking on Fox Rivcr ft iL tlrl" f..a Efarr. lffii.f. DRI,G 1259 1{. Groca STOR,E 3S5450' G,,I Strcot