To all our relatlves, friends and neighbors, wo wish to oxpross our heartfelt approaiation for your oards, floral pleoes and ths many aots of klndaess bestowed upon us during the lllness and passing away of our belovod wlfe "rxl mothor, Mrs. Maude Stuhlfoler. Your thoughtfulness will r.lways bo remenbored. Arthur J. Stuhlfeier and daughter, Mrs. non (Vio1et) Gates and family. "f01'n Oli itj^r;ST LA.LLOT I1IE THTNK YOU i":frT C0}IGR:IGATIOII FOR ]iicitrl{RY The ,'Lneriean Lutirortrn Churcb 5 s a site from i.-r. & i-i's. l'1. l . Drgriahl on the east sidc of Grecl S'b., four blocl:s sou'uh of the hi-g,h school, i-ajlsjirE CjiI ?rlj N0lilJi,i3m. Di placed on the i;ovenber bal.Iot. ;i.rousing public irierast in the id.ea are the .r'oodstock ,'ents Gard.en Club, the Soil Conserva';ica Servico loard and ihe l:.cllenry Cour.-ry :]1a::;:ii.n6 Cosur.ission. i"ieinbers of these or3e.riizacions beld a boabh at i;he reeent .cl-lenry Cotmty Fai-r t A petition for a Forest lrescrve stri et in iio;Ienrlr County has beear signed. by rnore tiu.n ?00 persons, to be in',foodstock,,ust 6.! a.r:.c" of interest of j:rmdreCs residents rjras verlr iasorable . of tire resllonse for the establisirarent of a new congregation to serve }dcEenry and surounding areas, according to the Rev. L. {yron Lindblorn. of Ctri ce.go, Regiorral Qireetor of .iscrican llissions for tlrie 2'l miilic"n :::enber church l'r-hich has iis hearlo,uarters in Linneapolis, Subject to finali.z:ing of d.etaile of the si'r,e purchase, plans are und.en'ray for the first un:-t of a four-unit prograe. Eirroth-, fa^rtorano e.nd Elroth are the architects. It is hoped that construction ca-n begin in ear11' Ociober. SeYeral before the chu:'cl:. is con:pIeted, an experiencei" to the field.. lnstor r.i-iI be called.'iTorker, parish. he l'ril} a by .iissisted before the in the coiueu::ity ho:res rrisit congre6;atior:. of the nel',' service fY:'st is heLd. in the nei,'ly completed. blulding-' ],{c.illenr;' cormtlr I ?]re County is rrthout atr;r najor eowr-iry ..:ublic lands and is sii:i1ar1y ir{ihout any najor state properiies, Resj.d,enis of -ciro aroa nust go el-serrhere f,or ;neir p-j cn5-cs, Fecres-uio:: and leisrre tine ac-.ivities, Tt is vrith the possibili';y of baving pl-aces for l-eIer:ry Comty, anC for attracting add-iiioaal visjtors and reYenue into the CoLB'W that the forest preserrres are bein5, pro::oied.. LJrd is be:ng ta':en up norli rapidl)r' tirrougl:cru-t iiie enij-re rLetropolitan area snd i,cHenrl' Cotxttlr i s one of the feryr cou-nties in nor-bheastern I}li:eois that .ioes nct ha,ve a forest proserre district. Ii i-s tinc no;,' to llreserve so:re of the epen land for -,,he be:'refit of the residenis of i'.cl{enrY Cotntlr" It is coutelr"plated that eveniually ir0OO acres rrill be set asicle in order needs' ihese to proiiid.e for the Cor,urtyts .wi11 be spread' preserres forest rarious ti:roughout the Cormty end. :'riIl be developed. aecording to sotmd ccnservatioa quili zer. and recleet:lon -!91i9*9s. - -Lc.ughter is the'worlats greatest L,.A,ST tran- Trfr., LAURA, AGE SEr/EN. THE .ABOVE piicTo }11 PLACE TA]./INN, GRTEIi ST. ON ?IG RIGS SHC!.Yi{ 'iYITH I\'113. JEAI'J [!CDO}IAI' OT T]C CI,LLOM LAKE. SI{OWS CAROI,INE OF ISS].,'}]IS PICTiJRE GUESS]NG 'flN.S CAROi"II,IE JTSTEN AT TIIE AGE OF THP.EB, r'rATii iiI? SIS*