a a t F.M. ia Eethel Lutherao Church, Mad.isoa, lfisooaEis. Imedlatel.y foLloriag tho Gereasny, a reoepbi@ rra6 he1d. in Fel1owahtp EalI at the churoh. Thoso attead:ing the rreddlng from MeGullon leke iaeluded. Mr. a:rd !drs. Lee Sarrdo, Mr. a.nd Hrs. Ray Osterby, aceomsnalEd by Hrs. Fred ?honasso and daughter, Pat, of Cbicago rho are former reeidssts of SECtrllo:a lake, aad Mr. ad, !6rg. Bear Gatee, later in tho oveniag, an treprontrrlu affair ras he1d. ln Mc0uLLom lake rheae the bride aad groeB unexlrctedly otopped by rbile esrouto qB thelr wedding trl"p. Lee Sawdsrs sister, Idarie a*d her husband, Sril MoeLler, of Sturge'm lia;r, ?IloeosEln were *lso eJnalng the guaets a* thge ti:us" YgTi:{H.*3{S 0F -dmELD I{AE 1 sf the Il.Si. Heffi,rEY BARXACTS #llt? ?he reguiar aonthly neeting of tite EieEenry tsarraoks iiLrLS of the Yetererns of IYorId Ear 1 of the U.$,4.. rras heLd. Thursday eveaiag, Oetobor 1. at E F"Id. at the Amerieaa Logion Eo:ae. Ai the last meeting, Uounander Eawe appcirired Eud.dy ilill Hereth as our aorviee 0ffieer, His telaphone arrnber is r*r A ,A-t &r Saturd.ay, Sept. 26. ldies Susala Blomgrea, ilaughtor of ldr, aad Eirs. teonard. B}ongreu of Oolrabus, 0hio (foreerly of !&dism, IEsc.) aud ![r. Ken Sarrilo, son of !{r. and !trs. Lee Sando of Me CuL}oa leke, rere united la narrlage et 2 SAI$D0 - BIS!ilGREN HIIPTTAJ,S who December. aro best qualifled. to.serre the Barraek as Offibers fsr the eod.pg year. f,he Buil.diee eleetod dI1 be instalfea fa $5(} sAvE ON HOTPOINT ELECTRIC DRYER 4 Heat Tenop. Control FB,EE Delivery - All Porcelain Cabinet Limited Stock Year l,{/arranty 1 90 Day Guararitee of Satislaciion Modei LR 3fi5 Vuhii,e *nly. - - Reg. tI7Ss5 ffi"hr,* 3{}00 ttr4Sss ffiaw*&ny Seil hold our eleetion sf Officers at the &evembor moeting. think of the mennbera w-t-illLo A noticm rras also ;assed. th:lt we riLl aew#}Y. *Becffiie Gryer speciai & up ts E&VG $60 Discouut 2CIs8 Srrrq %an/raa Eoat 0fu,4 EXCELLENT FOOD Gei aorual radngs of $2& lo $4O wbso lzoq buy- d YOU PAY _ COCKTAILS TdllSlpctal ... 2 Ghicken Dinners for $3.50 MONDAY AND TUESDAY $129e5 PIus Tax LEE&RAY ELECTRIC (tcl{enryc Largest Appliance Srore) Telephone lm5 N. Fnqnr Srrcel McHenry, ON THE FOX RIVER 8Ol N. River Road 385'2671 McHenrY, lllinois lllinois 38Am8rl _ FREE PARKING LOT _