r:,4,, n'- !R. ,i,, UISS CEffi.YL LES EIIECI{STAET)T, 2O riaughtor of }fr. and trhs. Cl'a,rles Eueekbtaed,t Sr. iND l,{RS. NENNETE IJSEiIIER, fi}IJSIITSS ?reTH,"flEI)D]}IG IN ST. UARYIS C.ATSOfiIC cHi,RcE OCr. 2h. Sffi rS Tffi FORIf;ER XilA,ES iIAUSffi., DAUGgTER. OF trM.. .EilD XRS. CMRGE EAUSffi. 0F MoEEffRY. Im ffiOOU IS gffi S(E oF Tffi IRYIUG tr,ISIITIIERS OF toEEtrBY. for a caroer ia the Navy. Slre uitrl ,left trecaive her basie tratnisg ti miauridge, lfiel., a:cd xiIl study !{aval Orieatattm.; Jobs aad lrairing; Ships; Alreraft and. trr:ranert and Saral. Etotory aad. Citizenahip.for l0:rueks. sf B0] ff" $euthstde Ave., Lil3rmoor, has ! tcEenrv Portrait Studio .r YOI'T'G ITGI,ESTDE AO1OR }BOGRiBSSITG Earrllr Paul Baas, sen ef lE. aad Bs. Earr]r Dsrras of lagteslde, ILI.I 8 E. Braadeaburg B{. hae mde nerre agaln. Ha wa a beautl.frl.'trcpery fsr baat rfiatle act at Deer &va. la qB euditien sposeored by the lperle,an Legia of Fcrr i 'I-EhB. lhts last sEleer he harl a rol la ths. play trCapsyr preremted. by 16r. Lllr Carousel Theatre sf urnee givqa uder the btg tat at rl.ittlc trtnt Shopg.r6 flanr rin Wau.keBan. Ee elso plalred.ssyer&l sma1l lnrts ln rlmie get Your Gm.r presearted by ln. Yrrese & 6. of lleSOfiAL SESIIRIT EIP3BST{T Soeial seeur{,t5r ie @e of the fastest grerring federal gorerusat Frsgrass, -. nvitb aore tbaa J! uillla rage u.d' salJUDI @D.rtIAY L?, daugbter of trdr. ard' !88. Bobert @rrray of "trfioEar5r, appe,red. as a datcor ia the Opera Eflrm Last reek ;Ihe J.ast trrrfomaacs'rlll bs Uor, h. .ludy has alar.oed. la uaa5r'nusical ome&iee ia tlrie are, aad ras a for:ner pupil of Naaoy Gardiner. She nas lresated. a scholarship to the Stmo and Cauqlm Schoo} of Bellat in Chioago rhere she is atbading. ary rorkerg aa.d 5.5 d'llioa mliloyere perttcil.Pating la the lnograu aud a total yearly eutl.ey seemd oly to that for aatLmal def,ase. B@efi-t lnlrumte uader the g1d Age aad Surrivors I[suraaee progran (OeSf) wiff tota! about 115.h ' biIlim this year. .