Iow-Duy cle$dc dryer end selG atr SPECIAL SAYINGS! I ! 18. "{}iD i,ms. JOE IESIR T of Yolo atrrolraee the oagagemsct of, thoir daughter FrEeI &Y' to Earold Eolitqr of Ferrysvllla, Ind. Ee is the so of Es. Ber:iice Eoldoc', aad the lato Eward Eo1da. the couple are pJ.annlng a $or. 21 redd$eg in St. Peterts Catholie Ctrrrroh, To1o. DINilIERS sHRlrtiP II DRYER, '.o PER.CH, CHICKEN, and SCALLQPS TO Run by CAR"RY OUT sitt SON phrcr e llmqr Iltat c.tCF&bIo Oirntmb ,, s GF+rt Oapadty .. 1066 Modcil IIE-I*GA. ,xEEII)W ONLY " . . SUNffi$TE ffE}EIAL TsE S1lGGd DryIEr S;rrta - ..$ee.e5 - Irr rr Ettra' ?Gl lev r.*rdl*lc DubffG ......$20.00 EIEN0R BRUSS0 and l2O Sea 7ood4 . W. Route 120, lYz Blocks Ead of New Bridge 3007 to euqtmcr ol Connonwea,l& Ufro! Soret$ Oo. odg. I,frnttd ttmc only. GAREY APPHAHCE, lNC. Sales and Servfue McHENRY. ILLINOIS PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED 385'282I I24t N. Green Street McHenry, lllinois EVERYTHING ELECTRICAI, Phone 385-5500 60O50