HAPPTNESS rg NOr GTVEN BUT EXCHANGED MCffiNRY BA,SMTR^T& fEA}tS IS 1901+. . 10 Re 'i'ffLLTAld T@MAS, EUITTU EVAIISCN r IIAIIES SAU,ER, JOEN I,ARStr AT{D E}dER.Y ITEEELEA.. mOT? 801[: PR0F. E. C. E[SEEE,. t PTCTURED fEA$. t. MARY BURiG XISD ACSIES IESCE. BACK ROFI: I$EU BACCBI, IORA Sffiffi al[D ELSrE S],{[TE. ASOIIE: 19U EIRI"S BASMTBATL T0 R.: tr8,0N? ROIT: ERAI{CES ?fELCE, Ph,oto Courtosy }{iss A:m I}isby |IUE CEIINGE CBI I.IST-UAII, PICK-UP ?o speed the dtslntoh of mail leaving {oE@ryr the last pickup in eollectlon 3oxes tbroughorrt the city ui13. be at ! p.ln. instead of 5. Mail depostted ln bhe nain pst office 1ob\r xrll1 be accegLad rmtil 5 p+", the chaago will go lnto affect on Jan. 31. YOU PAY THE FREIGEI ageaccies of the Federal Gove:mmeart increased, more thaa a guarter-of.a'ei11ion, Average emplolment ia eiTilian ot ?2.2 per cent, in the 10 year period L95b4+, aad paSrrolL costs for these agencles rose $!.! billion, or nearly t] per cent in tho sarns 6u*U". . SEPTIG SYSTETS SGre" fcddiq 9ryV4,$ot EXCELLENT FOOD Soat _ eUl COCXTAILS Ror Crflirq Equiprea Tall Spazf . SEWERS IilSTNLLED Pt()tilE 3lltl9:l0 2 Ghicken Dinners for $3.50 ilONDAY AND TUESDAY ON THE FOX R!!'ER 8Ol N- River ELilEN 3SOt W. John GLOSSOI{ tcHonrl, lllimir Strcct Road 385-267 I McHenry, lllinois