FLOWERS TEAVE PAR.T OF THEIR FRAGRANCE ON THE HAND THAT BESTOWS THEryl DR. KAR,I, A. BET'EBTEIN TO SPEAK ON OBESTTT. KarL on One of the ke_:,motes of his talk will be on the subJect of rThinking Thinn as weLL as aeting upon it. The flrst L00 peopl"e wiLI reeelve panphlets on the subJect for the evening. The doors witl be open at 7:15 and the program will start promptly at B:0O P.III. There will be a SOi per person charge to help defray expenses. For more inforrnation State Iicenses as a Chiropraetie Ph5rsieian, Surgeon Chiropodist-Podist5-st, and Phptcal fherapist, as neIL as havS-ng a baehelorrs of Science Degree. He holds dep;rees and dieting and overweight. Dr. Beuerlein has been practicing for 37 years in his offtces ard elinic aL 28 E. Jackson BLvd, Chicago, fII. The W.L.S, CLLIB proudly presents Dr. A. Beuerlein who will be at the McHenry High School, March 29. at 8:0O P.M. to speak to individuals and groups I&. weddine in St. Peters CathoLtc Church, Spring Grove, She is the forrner Lorriine E. Hiller, daughter of t6. and FIrs. .Ierore l{. IvIi}Ier of Sorlng Orove. The groom is the son of !{r. and lvlrs. Frank and !fos, Dennts Zarnstorff are residing ln Cary following thelr Feb. L2 lllinois Zarastorff of Rl-ehmorxl. CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET ITEIIS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FlLLED BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green catl 385-o878. Drive Carelully Street 3$5-4SOO