THERE IS NO SUFFERING WHICH PITY VYITL NOT INSULT Daraouay. NOW OPEN McHENRY KART PARK Dr. Pe lou"cek: lives in Kenmore, New )lork, ,nit-h his wire trlorence and their sl;; cl.tildrenj Daureen Parenti celebrated her 6th birthday r^rith a party for her fri-ends on Saturday, Aoril J0. 0n hand to join in on the run and ganes h'3vs Sylvi-a anC lloria lernandez, Peggy Burgs Dawn Conway, Feqgy lfu:'ray, llawn McKin, Janene Schlitt, Tina Licastro, Cindy Kinsey, A'ni Wilson, Sandy Straumann and Co:"lqy ilhitney. A chocoLate elephant cake, ice cream, canCy an,l oop :.ras served t,o aII the zuesLs. 6th. BIP,THDAY CiILEB.ATIC}N Track Open Friday Nights 7 to l0 p.m. Salurdays and Sundays I p.m; lo l0 p.m. Special Rales on Club and Party Dates Corner of Llncoln and Chapel Hill Road Prn0ro m flrltnEns Phone 385-9736 or 385- 1994 CHARLES STIT,T-IPG -rOR."{Ell ,lclLlNDY lNi'r'Or' r451!Eli rlosPT.nAL H )El }{ E. FI;I 0n C}iIlF AT f.:l i{ E{ HI ld 'lrouo durin. *he .re?rs Ig(9 +.hrough I9ri8, h"s irrst been named Chrirrnan of or Obsletrics and Gynelhe lenart,nent"{iLlari Dillmore Hospital the at, coloqw lTew Fsfr'4Lo, York. In .llr" traloueek, as qtany wil-L remernher, ,,:as 6bstetrj-eian I'jth the i"fe'licaI iroup and r^ras r^'ell known by al-l his natient,s. Since leaving 'itcllenry in 1958, he has been ror"merIY -he Yciienr'.'/ Yedical r^ii,th connecr-e.l nr. tyrnk P. Palorleek, s F{ H (, +-J I I -t f&l E e tr{ fr 4 4 CJ "; q) ct) e.) University o" fllinois, YaIe, :^rith the U.S, [rmy i,n Paris, lrhere he was Chief oi +-he Cbstetric and Gynecol-ogic seetion for two r/-ears, trrom Paris, he rtent to the Roswell Fark I'lemorial fnstitute in Buifalor the Buffalo General Hospitalr the University or Burfalo and was a consultant on the sta"f o! tfillarC Iillmore Hospital in G;meeo'l-ogy and G3mecologic Caneer. Dr. Pal-ou.cek al-so headed uo the ad.ninistration of the Hospital- Pledieal School at the University or Asuncion in at +.ho e. H -:* e a e F*( 14 = E a r#t