PESSIiIIST: ONE Wl{O SIZES Hl}lSEtF UP AND GETS SORE ABOUT lT of Co. #L are sponsoring their llth annuaJ benefi-t dance on Satirrday, I'1a;7 28 at the ri" ba. Ilroom, Chairman, l,larty Convray said lhal lhey were fortunate to obtain Beef ?reund and his ten pieee orchestra for this annual event. This is the band thai is receiving IocaI accLaim. The proeeeds have been used in the past b3r the firemen for the ourchase of Iioe saving equipment and to tenC to lhe personal needs of the ,'nen. The Conat"ion is one dollar. Tickets ,'xal/ be oblained fronr arry firemen stalion a+- l'{ciienry. The men also plan to visi-t sone or lhe subdivisions to solicit their suDDort. liatch for the fi-re truck in your ar"ea. FTF,EMENIS AN}II]AL I]ANCE UqY qi.remen 28. reffixexnnlber Mlorhcr. *. MOTHER'S DAY * SUNDAY MAY 8Th Subscrfrc '.* o-X ilo; CDT 1,)i -.i iiq (\t flff: \\t =: c; =: !:. c; L'U os oo E> !);: U cb a >.9 ;i= 9o. >' rJOoa-Ad < EE E-iu o- tr u:i: o "o Odn) >-] ": C ,dfI' o a 4 e * Efl il4 *E *P 6 l.l o) * 7 o lr. Et O B J II u .a tII cn 6 z J = vl il, IJ,! z = (Y' O-t @t ,A 8d e i EE n g lis iiifffi ii{s ii{ iiiIII{g$*giliifur cn h ('P Lui tu- ,o3 FT|. z? tII l*l = U' =rl l ul z I o 2 tl o d IiEiiiilitjIii,iilir ,F