MARY JANE OAR, Pianist and Vocalist, finished one-year engagement at Sweden House, Rockford. Previously at the Edgewater Beach Yacht Club. /u ?e, tudDtnen, fu, th rrut, . . . TAFEL'S B.T.O. CLUB (Big Tftnr Openlor) Serving thc world's finert Swift's PROTEIN STEAKS TAFEL'S B.T.O. CLUB Lcrrr Lrtrl R.T. 3l rnd CARY ROAD AL@I{(IUIN, ILLI}IOIS McHEIIIRY DISP0SAL C0, WlLLIAM 3402 W. DEVRIES Third Avenue For Reliable Service Call 385'222'l Residential lndustrial Gommercial Gontainer Service 2-YUay Radio