SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL.NEW5LET I tK Clifford D. Carlson, Geneva.l as Alternate, Thomas l{yers, Jr., Elnrhurst. County Judge James Goone5r, trVoodstocl<, 1r&s al-so in the lifoodstoek businessman, and Bichard Overton, promlnent car dealer from McHenrY. fhe entire g"oup eaJne awey from the dinner very elated with the dyna-mic per- Soupr as ?ras Howa.rci Garrett, The new state law is in complianee'with the Federal Boat,ing Act of 1959 t knoren as the Bonner billr which auti-rorized that each state enact a Coast Guard approved registration safety and nurnbering system' Application forms fq3 aegj-stration wij-\ be available at, i'iorth Bricige l'lari-ne ' sonal puneh of tiice-P:nesident Nixon, who is Presidart. an.avowed eandid.ate for the office of In his ta1-k, !lr. Nixon praised the poIicy established. by Fresi-cient Eisenhower and. prom:Lsed if he was elected to the highest office in the land he would continue the same cc'urse. -- IHOT1AS P. BOIGER. THE McHENRY DRUGGIST rPhore EV. 54500 tlcHerul' ATTE}ITII.N The Illinois Departn:ent of Conservation announced today that the United States Coast Guard has aoproved the fll.inoi-s ALt BOAT O}{NERS Boat Begistrati-on and. Safety aet of 1959" the aet, whieh becomes effective triarch 1, 1-950, al-I boats propelled by inboard. or outboard motors and in use on public waters must be registered by the Ittino:-s Departrnent of Conservation' Iffi Wtl[Y S ffi UOIf, F lIM Bffi III'BIHX8 ilrEw tffi$uHnN EQUIPMEIIT Rcsidertial and Gommercial Hauling Completely 'Enclosed l l15 Erl Seruice McHenry Disposal DEVRIES Third Strort l|J111fAH McHenry EV. 5-2221