t? SEM I. MONTHLY PICTORIAL-NEWSLETTER PISIAKEE HIGHLAilDS ilETUSHTIER Jsnice Jsnquort, RePorting Cqll McHenry 2179 obout Dews fiot Pictoriol-Newsletter. Copy must be'in ,b, the l0th ond 25th of the month preceding eoch issuei' $tuomer you Jo and. Eerb Shivley just retrrrned fron e very pleasa.nt trlp. First &ey visited, Jors sister in Magpo1ia, N.J. Next on the agend.a was a visit to Philadelpluia and Atlantic City. fhey enjoyed tJre Boardnralk and elso swain 1n tJre ocearo radar timed. and you are to go {U mrreuper hour - if you exceed the qpeed limtt nany of the vacatj.ons a,re being taken by Eighlamdtps - y/l.-/J,nry VILLYS SALES & SERVICE C,,,3 Jeeps, Stotion Ull'ogons ond Trucks inside the village will he 20 lil"P.I{. will be fined. The new speed. limit ilick P. f,liller, lIerSeruiss m0 0wner The rtgo atread.'r sigrr for fixing our roads should be very soon and. I know that is something for which we have al-l been waiti:rg. Don?t forget sulr i'amily picrri* ott August U - tlie plcn.L c will start at 2 or clock. There will- oe ice crea:$ amd" eandy for the yo-urng ones. G&rnes f or both yaung and o1d will be played" and. prizes w3I1 be glven to i,he wj-:enerso You are "bCI furnish your own h:nch and" d::inks, and please remenber to bring your lsables and chairs because there are m.one to be had at the beacho So, Ttronf t you all eome an d. make this a successful oceasionn Cal] i',[rs, Franir Maclaugh]j.n at 1554W for any info:matj"on. Poor Chris 'f/illiams will sweJ.y rcrIICIIt* ber to check the gas gauge on ttre car before she leaves hone, because a few weeks ago she was on her way home driving on 120 between the Johnsbtrrg Road and. McHerry when ehe ran or.l t of g&s a You all Irrow that late at night nothing is oFns but th:L s gal was lucky she was near a, fa.:m house and the yor..rng fa::mer was a good sa.maritan because he gave her some gas aruf made sure she got starbed" Ctrris wa^s so excited sh.e forgot to ask the naJC! s name, so if he happens to read. this, she wants him to haow he will alwa,3rs be ill llakes of Uehicles llcllffiL ..Ul. il0tt SItEil Phone 4O3 PEIER Msnd ru$E}I s0il FUNERAL DIRECTORIi Tel. XtcHenrr 63