JT /7 SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL-N ER Pr.-sident of the McHenrlr County. Chapter for the Cripp1ed., welcomed the guests who includ.ed town captb,ins and. members of the McHenrT County' pross o Mrs. Ruth Jacobs, chairnnan of 'the L959 drive, presen'bed nine-year old. Sheila Peterson of McHenrSr, who has been chosen 'rMiss Easter Seal" for 1959, Sharing the spotlight wi-r,h Shel}a, were two other rrlne-year olds from Richmond - Jimmy Sckrroeoer, Chairman of the McHeruTr County J'unior .[uxiliary and Saney #underson, his assistant, Mrs. Jacobs reviewed the work of the therapgr center dux'ing the the organization, committee workers, officers and d-irectors of .mad.e lnurch IanrarC I Robert Beeker, Iviarei.;gc anc John E. Loaze, Mclierulr. As heae o:- ti:e llrban area chairrnen, I:1r. Sralth ari.tounces the ' eppointment of }loah ]ates , A-roer:; ,{arren mgp, with $ub-Cha1:m"rar:. Orriiie of Cr;istal i,at<e ; Bert 3rilges , Smlth, Cor,rnty Cirai:.rran :'r:::.,'iccd-stock, the followirrg ap;oir:t:.-e:-ts : -b'red. i' . Ferri s , 'ilioodsto ck, -;.ura- rrea tlhair- $*llJn cCIilt$IRljcTtoil c0iIPAltY last our contributions. yea,r and mentloned that our? increased persorrnel and. facilities havd illore tharl d"oubled our expenses; theref ore, the gcal is to more than d.ouble W* Will Build On Your Lof The Home Of Your Choice - $SOO Dowril AED CROSS }llcHEil{RY mmml VOII}I.ITIIER GAI{IZATION rOR LgSg The Clcr.rntyt s mod-est but OR CAMPITG}.I AI\TNOUNCED * i'or tkr-ls year is inportant quota SJ0r000"00" Virgil 21O S. Green McHENRY 1126 Ro FBEUND OII, COMPANY Quality Petroleum Products {01 E.BONT STBEET SINCE t93t McHEI{BY, IIIINOIS 852 PHONE