tw WOI\iENS BOwuilG LEAGUE STANDINGS AT TIcHENRY RECREATIOil MONDAY GUTTER ,QUEENS 'uf0I\' l+ot 3T] 0N F. TELEVISI i!1. 3 38 llO l+ BUSH' S HoLIDAY rNN 37t lp* 5 MCITENRY RECREATIIoN 37 t]1 l+z 6 LAKESTDE INN TUESDAY z SEvENG's ffi -ry wtrpNEsq+"{ NIGHTER's_ -1 ? 3 C .T',Jtryil-,]ry= --IroN -/-'L = Losa LE I}iN LAi.,i CLIIATTERS IRC OfTEGtr GA 57' (ot 5a],, 27 t- I ot] 'ta { )L 27i, ?? {i: -_, lt 5 CI 36 i MArN PAIlur cEIvrER \5 33 L&HrtrLtrvrsrou lr? 35 , wArrLES DRUGS t+ l+1 37 g PlnE JUSTEN & sotr 38 4q 3?- 39 IroToR sAtES r C.D. OF A. o LJ 7 9 V;\ilS |,JONDER BAR AI: RICAN LIiGIOi'l I(RU}IGI;RS FUEL OIL iiONil.ilR LAIIH DRUGS TIIE PARTY LINE L0GAN SCRE'tli C0. CRISTY 8': S'ItrIIDEBACH L+6 \5 l;1,_lLlr-F2 Ii-.1+ J+'e ^r 't t. rl +)i ",L ITO1{uCNY OCNTRACTORS 10 11 L2 ^ i,:Ci{*NRY LAU}{il5R- IT 31;; 26 26 36to )L- C= 1s* 5e*; TAp 38 lio SflD I0 g 35 +? 3h. ,l++" HARRIS0NS PINKY ro 33* l+l+* ii iliclrENnY REALHT 1+'f ELtrCTRIC J6E ' S I\'i]IRLE NORI'IAI'T 6 ? E BUss r.:enrns SPEC. SHOP lQ* )9* FRIDAY NITE 1 Z O','ILS }IAY CO}TSTRUCT ION r l+h L*3+z 1[r 3L 3 I },iI-PLACE SCHROtrDER IRON I'{C iffi}.TRY LU},TBI,]R GRACES B#,AUTY 3li; 36 36 ?q 39 l+ A2 'runsoev'rE@ erti:H 8: sol{s DRUGS LEE & RAY 3] - 5 6 7 B ltciGNRY RECRiIATT0N FiCIffiNRY SH0P 3 ? IIICHrrNRY STATE BANK TTHEUND 0f L 4: [1* l+1 3B ? tLo 9 10 I' + 5 5 I }Tffi$ FIOI{:TNRY CO.;IOP r]n" 39 l+2 1L 3[ l+r 3,? WELDII{G 31+. }{0RTs SERVICE 32-:i }.{S}ffiN'RY COUNT1Y CLUts 2E 27 Mtr}IENHY TFitrA Ni keraPY Cent*r ffcurs EtM SfREEt ITLORIST 39 39 36 36 3l+ b1 l4..1 I t | ^_"1 /-::: '+l r')L- IOiIN CAPIAINS GO AT'J-OUT t0 ASSURE EA,srER sEAl TAG DAr SUCCtriS, MARCE 2L*An all-out effort to make the L919 McHenry Cor:nty Easter Seal Tag Day, Satur,ilay, trlarch 21, the moet suceessful b""? .ln the btstory otr the erent heq aecord'ing month, last the for lunder'way iiq u"". i*"" K. Brey1ey, Crystal Lake. captalns throughout towr of the +^ I "utt 'l^^ | .. i -o-r*arl rry. -----l-.-for r\'l --^ ^a*-] be Ug complimented. Uulul/rJurtirri'srrt to trO are A,Ee county the COUffiy Itne dlich rith vigor " amd Ithe.,thoroughness For -bhe last severaJ" weeks a::ii" $ori* t** tnr*u6ir until- Tag Da3'r- Sccr;ts ar)il. s*ii C;uu t::errhers ha,ve oeent es*omet* for tfis important itlry ars preps.rirg dayr; said'-Mrao Brey1ey, kunf,-r"isin& ,[ag DaY Chaiill8rrc I $c',rent on to aPlain that namy of lthe Ta; DqY etations uiII be marned. by g1tr? nenbelS lety erd Glrl Sootrter:and-4-Eserv-ice ,credit e@unity ,l Jir-neoetve ,' , ,i I belp the crippled of the cor'-urty that they would have a better appreciation of tne importance of the Tag Dayr " sta'ted Mrs. Eleanor Jorgenson, the Centerrs registered" therapistso nIn addition, we ;have showed. them ?11 the Easter 8ea1 ,movie, nariated by movie star Een:ry tr'ordat lr*ri"n being sgelr by millions of people jtnrousUout tJre &ti-on.l' *M:*ugh ti-e 'Iiherapy Center in WoCI&s{g;ct'; whish i"s supported }-argely by funds rai-sed" ar.lring Easter Seal Campaign. 'tWe felt that by secfug the facilties a*d the erbensive rpr{c being done to