tf NOR$I SIUDGE - (conrt). on the east sj.d.e of the. 014 Bridgeo ftre freu management d.ecid.ed to d.istribute, 'se:rri'ce and. seIl marine supplies to other iliealers in }iorthern fllinois and Soutfiern flliseonsin and. to retail quality lines, srrdi aS r . Finrud.e Motors , Chrig- Ctt^ft Ses Skiff and, .CavaU-ers. Dring the late sunmer of I959r ,a new storage area of over 14rCiO0 square feet was added to handle larger boai;s for stprage and. repairo A new eleetric holst. was install-ed. to lar:nch the largest cruisers in a minimum of time, and all new d.ocks were constmcted. to hand.Ie over IuO boats at srunmer dockage j n the water. In conjunction with this trnlieSr a complete boat refinishing, rebuilding and b:r the'moCern shounr above. In Jarruary, L95Br {isaster. u bnrck this young business in the fom of a fj-re which destro;rsfl the maj-n storage, repair shop, refinlshlng shop, new show room arid. offiees. In less than four months these facilities r,{ire repla.sgd Boats Barbour Boatsi' arfa Streblow motor repair shop were installed. and are gperated. by eorperienced, local craftsnen, .among nhom trre: Art Fenske, Ed 'llegener, George Dehler, 3ob Sprinrer and Jack Gale. Today, this is & i,&x-round oper'ation with a state-ride reputation for integrit.',,' and. seflrice and proud to be a noember of the groring conun'..inity of lfclienry. PATROIIET OUR AOIJTRTISERS BEST BUYS tN o CAMERA SUPPLIES 3 Rotts FILM special BLACK AND wHrrE 620 't2o' 127 -", l?"varue GEo. W. l(oTAuK ll7 N. Riverside Drive CAMERA CENTER phone McHenry 275 NEW MODERN EQUIPMENT Residential and Gommercial Hauling Completely Enclosed McHenry Disposal Seruice ll5 Eert Third Slreet WILLIAXI DEVRIES McHenry 2221 i