t8 Y iui:rs. Anna Rush, 83, mother of L,quretta, of Lake :lhore Drlve, pagsed away PICTORIAL.NEWSLETTER UILLAGE Oi iICGULLOTI LAIG ..,.rX up wlth a 658 serles. After the matcht A}lison arui 0ri3rien went up and aown the al}eys Srrring bowling tips to the bowlers tuesday, April 7 at iroodstock iiospital after a firre-week siege there. The body rested at the Scirneider-I,eucht' ii\rneral !{orne i,n ,rrooOstock and. then moved. to a chapel in Palos Hei,ltrts, Iilj-nois" tsurlal was :iaturd.ay, Apri} 11- in Palos iiei. htsy Our sincere sympatJasr is ex'bended. io Lauretta arid. ii'}oyd. f'rye. As the season is corning to a close, the irtond.ay Comrnercj-a1 has a close raee between i',lorsemen i.esort a::d i'cilerrry Jraund.rf, while Buss I'totors is rr:rr'ing away with the Thursciay ,iusiness i,'ien. and fans. ,ffi * q ,# * *,& ,ffi** ** The Tuesd.ay Flayboys leagse ciosed- their season with the ',ri:rii-Ii-r"in on top of tire list. In the Thursday 9:I5 1e ague, the ,tiversld.e Barber Shop has a slim lead of three games over i',{ciier,ry )rsposal ' Over irr the Ladies ilivisi on, Stot:e i')onstruction clobbered, the _,,riaa3r --lte-Ovlls. 'l'he;r have & 2L-L/2 t:ialne leal' Ct'- 1'uesda.!,, Althoff }lardware is leadirr; tlie C.-l).A. y vrhile on. ,liednesdal"r ll:cle : r.n is slruggling to sta;' arreaa cf i::e 'iotl,ier {,ake t}irls. PIIRO}IIII OllR AOUTRIISTRS OPcrotor For Toll Frcc Scrricc INTERPI EE 9l0O ,],)i:'ri,D ]lEi,;l0li AI1',ii. A i'AST 'IiUAl RTJIi Ili ii0i, :t':[DI SCOUI'EE. f]CIL{'iAf'OLIS }iiii,f'.i-ill[Ai,. Ait - ?HONC McHENIY e2O top 0lassic i e';s:ue bowlers on lia.turd.ay, arch 28. Glenn lr.Ulson eurrently shooting a 2L9 averaEe, and. Dick Of Brien. they. bowled. a 1 garoe match against the }ocal boys could do was tj-e them the Iast p;a.lne, while Allison was finishing ,r'aIly i{ojnaeki and Ray it'una anct the most i,icllenqir liecreatiorr ptayed BO'III,IIIG l{E$iS hcst i,o two frltHenry Ready-lhix (o. lne. READY MIXED CONCTETE RADIO DISPATCHED 600 f RONT STREET McHENR,Y, tLL HOXIE OF THE TRIPLE. DEGKER HAMBURGER TAFEL'S Motel ond Drive-ln -Diner Highway 31 and Carl' Road Algonquin, Illinois