/5 SEM I. MONTHLY P I CTOR IAL.NE\M5LETTER he was an oId. rnaJrr the oarn and watched hlm-do his chores . On l*arch 28 .tsoyd. Knaaeri cdlebrated his birthdayr Orle year older but, accord.ing to Betty, to hear hlm moan youfd swear Subscribe Now iipnl 1O 1s little Tomniy Knaackt s znd birthclay. iliother ;ietty will f ix & cake arrci- see what kind. of a mess he makes o.r- it for he sure rnessed. his fatherr s cake up. It will be strictly a family affair as tsoyd1 Jr_. carne d.o',vn with chiciren pox riglrt after :iaster vacation ru:id" SUBSCRIPTION BLANK M!'IEEEI@ IEllB fg 12.@ lB lEl!..... o. . o... ' rDIXEll' - P.o. DI l5?o rdEIRrl lr&o f,Area o. a.aaa-.aooo...a.. o4........ .. o The clistrlct consists of foi.rr ccirriti-es , i,lcHeruqr, Du.Pa6e, Kane, i?il}r $o we carr be proud. of llileen for this accompiishment o I was very sr.rpri-sed to hear }frs. Geist had" been into the hospital for observation. G1aci to say. everything is flne. Irm sorry to report two deatJ:s wlthin cra;s of each other. I'[r. ]Ierberb .ilnrd.d. died 'rii:ile in Hines }Iospital and was buried 1r:. St. iliaryr s Cemetary. LyIe Arrderson rnade mar,y of the arrarifrements for I{rs. .!':rrd.d.. rir,- p eople in this subd.ivision are really good friend.s in time of needo ttrusty" ilustimer p assed away the week bef'ore iiaster and was b uried. from Cmstal Lake on Holy fjaturday. I icnow everyone in the subdivislon joins us in exp-'essing or:r deepe3t sympattry to both widovls. Irm sure we will all xffielliber them in our prayers. I:,lore bad news l,'irg.' Serpico hag entered. the hospital. I hopa by the time this articie is 1n print she j-s home and well agaLn. Iiafli{ iiickleson has been honre with'a irthoay April 2 by working la'Le arid. couing home to a. co1d. supt,er arid blowi' out carirlles that had burnea rolvn to ioe cake, Jt was:..tt that barl, really, as .i,orraine kept his suppe r wal:m aJtd as f or the cand"les, we11, ldrsn jrcu have little'child.ren they just canst. wait! On liaturday, Jrpril {, a group of girls from the Arnericari te,_;ion Jr. r\u:ri]liary l'rent to llatavia, Illinois to a distrlct convention. :ioberta Johnson and iiileen liomo from our area attend.ed.. Eii"een was elected. Jr. 'rrice President of the disb .i3ett}, fiiii.r.res she has three more cases conrlng up soon. r.lene Johnson celebrated his umteenth E,ill.o... c.......ElIlE D.......... ' C[ff. o i o o o.... o. r.....8!l!!f. sltssctrrE rr ....... r. Give your DRAPES, CURTAINS trlct. & SLlP COVERS rhor 1"['$ Cleon-os-NEw FUR t00K .tORAGE "' I\i*tE with our beiler -Hqf; furs Scrnitone DRY CTEATIIlIG PHONE 9f27 lot Piclr-up Service or SA\IE ll0p/" Cash I[ Carry at RAINBOW CTEANERS ,N. Front Street McHcnry, lll. (Around corner North of Natiorrnl 'l'ea) OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TO 9 P. ftI.