* SEXTI-MONTHtY P [C TO RI A [ - N[ APRTL 15, t95g }f S T I TTI B VOL. 3, NO. t6 t0 (ents Pe r Copy FA]R AND IMPARTIAT NEWS OF THE CO'Vr'TAUNITIES Sewihg Villoge of McCullom Loke, Lokelond Pork, Wesn Shore Beoch, Pisrokee Highlonds, Hunterville, McHenry, Yilloge of Lakemoor ond Villoge of Sunnyside - t = "-1...-l*,,,;;.,:j ,.-*-- ls..:$ i'f:31:, lj.i, ;,'.ii.tio.-,* ,r";;r- , S'L. i,riiYtS PAil$i{'ICI PriE$H:lT IIUSIOAL 'rShowboat ljerenacle'r a reusical_ variety show tn 2 acts, vrritten and. produced by rrather i"Iarolcl iJilges, i,ri}l be presented. iunoay, April lg and Tuesd.ay, April ZI at B P.},io at St. lvtaryts new auditorium in ir,rcj{enrT. A chorus of 50 voices will sing such favorites as Kentucky Babe, t)lo llan H.iver, Dry tsones, Al,exanderrs ,tagtime Band, iliake BeLieve, Over The rtairrbow , etc . - A cast of more than 100 adults wiUcombine their talents to present the evening of entertainment. The part of llil i:l ii Allcia, the tirqf negro child, wll1 be played by six-year-o1d. tsonnle i,ielter. 'Ihe part of Cornelius, Alic_il's brother, ( is in fuLl .swing'. .jherit'f ilreibei ano Deputy $heriff loivd are working earraestIy to promote this calnpaign, knowi::g the cirastic need for safety educartion and p atrorling. r.iver , lras The riigh waters now prevailing on the canrsed rnuch d-arlage to piers oocks, ano the eariy boater must (Continued. next page) .ll ;.u.lli .,rr.r,i :i.- iirl'iir;i i ',',.i) ].iiil;tO- BO,IT is recogr:izeri. by al] the resp ,nsiole &r:.C plee,-sure lcvir4; loaters , water- skiers , f isirermen and resi-d.ents wiro u$e the waiers of tiie F'ox Itiver arxi ji:ain Otla,ires re;gion. The d.rive to secure a.n autirorized. ial"e"ty FeLtrol Boat, now j-n l;rocess olr tne ;jheriff t ,; Jepartr:ieflt of ,iooo-st ccir i{}.l-.j SA.,'[d1IY Contined. on back cover) i and.