ts ffB,ST HOIY OOMMUNIOI'T AT Sf. MART?S CTIURCE tJ boys and girls received. their lst Holy Commrrn:ion at St" Maryrs Ctrurch at I orcl $r.md.ay morrr:j-ng April 5th. fhe girls rtiny brid.es as they walked. to the alter dreesed in white dresses and. veils. the boys were d.ressed. in r:arry blue suits.. Plctured. are the members of the first sembled. Coramr,r:rion dlass.--Photo by Katolik Stud,io J'anrres fob 'Iop row i,iichael }itts, reck, John -Uennett, Charles Holtz, left to ri,Eht: tiaymond I'lettelka, ias, John iiokes, Iiobert }ied- :',.ichard Szrnue, FauJ, ile CarIo e ::i&]rfiloni l,eorson, l,Ugerre liester, :toh*rt Pactaock, Anthony rrilson, tr'irk l,iaKs r lta3"pasng rlaraie ancl Conraql Yor{s ' atH row }*-ft to right; Delpnine :'"isniew- , Juavrita '{i}lerreai , },{ary- Clifford t Carol rJumart, Barbara lel'far, Ior:na Finit Alice jSrolvn, i aura vharrnenstiil, Joarure lichabow, Jacquelyn tadner, Linetta Posany, i* a:rcy ii:-f rlr, uhri"siine \[,azzone, ski ii r-".:rcy :,'ayrnan, Giurlani and. lirida Beck. 5rd row left to right: i,:ary Jo $llpin, Carlotta Olsont O' rjrien, AJrn Fattel-lero, i yn '}ia",eith ?oiito, Kay .l,ee lireino liusan i ci)lorey, Cynthia irreund-, Debra , ito setnary Kmp:inski , iti chard Zeller* iienrris ',iieilerrer, Kevin Eauer, ii'rewrd 0aro} ;icirnrittn Debra r,rarese, KatLrerine Carolyn PcLlo ck , -liarbara ited-itzky, Terega .lJall<llve " 2nrt Row ieft t* ri:;ht iiiarrEaret i"Ierrtnarn, 3st,3iilia Brcllvrr, Judith }luss, *.ita i'ipperson, l)ariette .Li'reu::c", Uh;,ry}erre j,,ei;"er, I iie.r)" Aaitu Fitzen, I,,lary Died.rich, $ua:nn Freurrd, 11,;s1yn Wagner, Catherine $chmittr Kathleen Young, Dar"iene Yach, Patricia Fatricia I'la"*:nt , iilirakreth lirr.ei:fer, Fatricia i]'reurrl, &richael 'ietzel, Doninick Ii i,riaggion da,ndall Lr.r,'er; Michael Janek, Schmidt. 1st rqw, left to right: fhbmas I,flark lilartin litoffel, i;iand"li, Robert Klapperich, Irloyd Davis, Kenneth Justin, James Oeffling, Donald. Etten, Gregory Jrdams, Itussell Leight, Joseph }eMarco, I,{atthew Keup, Edwa,rd. Smith and. Jarnes Kloechner. },{i}}er, },{ichael