i6 SEMI.TIiONTHLY PICTOR IINUSUAI, NEf, PNODIICf, . Ihre to the unseasoureble reether not prevailtng in tJre Fox River 8rei8, qrry \ boaters have not ordered their boatg into tJre rater for 113r the aYid boatert however, has had his boa.t in the mter for the past tlo reeks and is enioyins - IESIILTS ELEfrttoil' OF ]l.IttAGE 0F IIoCULIOLI I"AKE ELECT sPllt rotar sraight Yote , Vote Vote 102 Progresslve PartY Robert C. Z*n traffic-free pleasure, horever chill1l lfleay residents almg it might be. tJre river have turueo their thougbtg to repairing or replacing their d'onkn and piera r&ich retrts d'anaepd by t'lre higb reters of the Pest nonths" @3 of tbe ner nor on the narlret for the Lazy pier osrrer is the 'rFL,Etr nor bei-ug sold by ffiRIE BRIDGE t[lAIlIE rranrsua.l productg Arthur R. Helgon IO2 Cberlss Y. Tbeolcer 102 Arthr.rr J. Str&lfeier 102 Local PartY 58 Cla3rton NelSoa piBian n. Crstltz 5e Itank E. Passalaqua 58 58 Chsrleg E. Kock 4' L47 ,5 Lr7 2g 1r1 15 Lrl 41 99 47 105 ,2 90 45 r0, master, naruger of this p&cr elinirateg the baclr-breakirg rork associeted rith pier ere'ction" Thig is e pier tnat can be collePsed for storage during tbe riater and' can' be in lficllenrnr. According Fred, ErffI{OHIH BRIItrE UAruUE to 1016 6rule! It dozt htrt anl tbis pier at tr[cEenr3r. 6rected. rithin Be sung NO8ffi BBIDCE IARIIIE an hour. to in gee gbfio *c AND AsK ABour ouR rRTE COKE Rt. 2, CounlY R.oad, Wondei Leke SWAilIE'S CAFE to.- ](ITTY & IOE'S D.X SENUCE STATION Lakeland Park on R.oute I20 Try Our Steok Sondwich SPeciol 55+ Open DailY 9. a'm' 6 P m' 24 ll0ut TOWING SERVICE 9779 Tasly Sandwiches Courlesy Service Telephone McHenry Subscribc THANKS lk 5ouP Solrit}, lbr "r, llrrbrfn lad Oll t s..cb?L; llrllcrcl 2611 fr Olfte 7o Trtr OrrqpGn lOA.M. ro to P.M. Hsvr A lool Trcot VILLAGE OF McCUI.LOM LAKE VOTEBS The candidates on the Progressive Party ticket wish to thank the voters, workers and many friends for support given us at the eleetion of April 21. We will do all in our power to justify the confidence placed ix us. We Bobert G. T,ahn Home-Iilode A want your cooperation and help. Lc or'& f 19 Atthur B. Nelson C$dee Y. -fra&er Arthur L stuhlfeier Cld fdonaeys [0|ils's snffi $tl? [. Slvrraido