/^ -MONTHLY PICTOR I AL: NEWSLETTER TELEPHONE 55 sEM l 15 noati o1d. Darm lle1son had ad rufortunote accid'ent rhen sbe E&s 'playi"ad rith e coat banear 8nd. slipped it into hep nouth ond. rhen she tried. to pu}l it out Se tore ber tonsil and ha.d. to bc nrshed. to thc doctors. ' Ile hoPe Dara ls better by rowo Fourtb of Jnly coning up Sat., obey- all traf,fic nrles and be careful-tbi LittLc FUR SHtrP trOMPLETE FUR SER\/TCE WESLEY PRTBLA' t34 CASIi SrREfr WOOE}STOCX, ILL|NO|S we rieh to thaxk our neiShbors and friends in llcfirl1om Leke for the nasy gracious acts of kindness bestoued upon ;us in our tirre of grief. llhalrks for the 'flowers, apiritual bouquets, collections, and testy neal enjoyecl by relativeg of tJre {eceased nbo trave}ed. a distanee to pay their last respects. ?Oe ?iain Qu tlavc A lcat Trcot HomG-Ifiode Piaa Sandrrich Hamburgerc cnd TryA in Eb. Wayne, Indiena.. She ras oll a vecaF tion fisbi:rg. trip i:n Guliven Hichiean rith her eldest sonr Oor{on, ald his fianceel she hooked a 15 lb. NortJrerrr aud. got so , IEE EARRY BERNY FAUILY ltihe eo@uaity extends j"tgr deepest sympathy to the fe'rnily of AttrB Lakig, eAe 64, ]rourl$est sj-ster of Elue Nelsont s mot&er, lived. Other $naclss" Ph.: if;cFlenrtS 1f8i[ For Or&rs To Take Out. Open I0 AJUL to t$ffi's s8r Cloeed }londays I P.m" sr llg X. Etturaidr ercited, th,at shc had a heert atteok aud died. i:e the boat on Sattrrday, Jrme zOt&. Sbe is surrived.'by ber tro soasr Goedon qrrd Riebara & hie rife, Rtrfir, all qf Ilt Sa5me, {iro claterg Ma Johnsoa of Chicagp & ADna Kabel of Ft. lTa3rae. tlhc l[elsoas Ear]r ElEa, Ken & Don drove to Ft. YaSrae trednesd.ay, June 24tb for the Ghange of Ownership EIm Paint & Supplies funeral. llhonasSchj.avonefronElnhrrrstll]'.i8 Agers w"i}l starb collecttqg oaff & bqxeg of foode and. non parishable iteng for the basketg to be given af,a6r at the Festirel on July 25t,Io.. Plceee bc rca{y to cotri- Uncle visiting hig (Uacle San) Sathansoa. ertended an for sao a:al-hig Atrat Uadelio ut"V elependia$ oa good. beha;rrior' fle is ot'her fuy srimingr d.i-rri-rrg, -visiting good timc round. lakls and. heilrg an all rith bis urrclo. Attention Errerxronb ! t' Oa July 6tJr thc lles McHenry 209 E. EIm $trcet Telephone 8& fre New Froprietors, Bill Kinsala and M. Speedy, Wish to Assure Everyone That We WiIl Endeavor to Extend to AII Customers, the Same Courteous and Helpful Attention to YOTIR FAINTING AND DECORATING PROBLEMS Af.ID NEEDS That Received from Betty Charles. You Formerly The Owners Have Changed, But We Wilt Continue To trIandle Tte Same Quality Product-BENJAMIN IIIOORE PAINTS, - and The trflost Selective Lines of WALLPAPER and Sundries. FRm Color Consultation and ' We invite you to take advantage of Our Decorating Senriee. butc to this collectiono l[hs lleelt Agprs e,re elso la chargp of t&e Bake SaIc and rill really approoiate argr oakee, cookiesr or oand.icg thBt srrB boneuede that you rould like to oontributc for BII,L AND SPEEDY Ounfitc 7lo* Sfap Watsh for ads on our fulure