ttu -MONTHLY PIC I ORIAL.NEWSLET-| IR SEM I DRIVE CAREFUL WE NEED YOU! Mrs. Lr.s"*i* Tucker was operated on at the lllinois l(asonic Hospital in CbLca4o and we hope to see her home when this cOmes out. pepgfr l,t"o on the sick }ist is Mr. Christiosen and we hope he is coming along alright' PISTAItrE,HIGIILIIIDS JANICE JANQUART, RePorting [l!"rl;t;f"" iiigrrlad.s Association will hold their annual picnic on JpIy 251b,, at the m ain Beach. flhere will be races, games, tea.m ganes chirdren and adult, also a variety of chance garnes. fhere will be plent y of good. food. r&soriably priced.. Mr. Litman and. Mclnerney ',,ar,'r,,r".t picnlc,, VELLAGE OT SUilI{YSIDE lRi,fA GUNTHER, RePorting McHsnrv 1577J RirtJrdatr greetings are wished to hline Schrrieder rho rae 1! years old ea July 8, and, to Sugan Benoehe who ras 10 years old on July 9. I went to the Yillage meeting, trHch is he1d. the first blonday of eaetr nontb and. sg all otr yeu' kaor, af,ter the negular neetirg thdre ie ur open fsmm a;rd f sure w&s disappoilgted, that tJrere wer&nrt uoore people present. If you ha;ve any gripes r yot! should etteld. these neetings ard. find out what i s goieg on and. to have your ttsey so"r and if you need. help on something, bring it up rain neet et the baran" l'amiIy, Dick Conray Fanily ' spent the fourth of Jr:ly rith the Diclc &iosley famJ-ly" They all had a rondexful. The Torn Mason eomnrittee chai:man and have worl*ed hard. planrring and preparing this affair so lets have a good. turn outrbri-ng the srhole family and friends ard relatives o see ]mu eunday" July 25tb, at the main beach, In ease of - time* before tJre Boar^ril. [he rain stopped the firerorks on the Fourtb but we went back to MeIIenrXr on Sund.ay amd we sure enjoyed therr. There rras plenty of noise and a few times I thou8bt we would, have to look for a bomb shelter but all in aII re were thrilled with the shm. Jim Garrity is a pretty happy fe1low these d.ays and knows nor that- ther" are stil} honest people in the world. Last week Jin lost his wallet rith aII of his I. D. cards in it and. gave up aII hopes of ever seeing it again, but lyednesday night in all the rain someone retumed. it and because he see who it iwas he eouldtnt t[ank them. FREE ESTIMATES . Phonat [c8anqY zrlrP. PHo,NE McHENRY 3357 MCHf,NRY FIBER (;I.ASS AWNINGS GUT7'ERS a nd DOWNSPOUTS svEN ENARqON RourEa-Bor385 McHrxnv ILL