SEftTT.XIC,HTIILY PICTOBIAf,.N[WSTITTIR JUI,Y l0 Cents Per Copy 15, L959 - vol,. 1, No. 21 FAIR AND IAAPARTIAL NEWS OF T}IE COAA'1AUN[T!85 scwing Yillogr of Mccrl!6m Loke, Lokclond Pork, wsst shore Beoch, Pistokee Highlonds, Huntcrville, McHenry, Villoge of Lokemoor ond Yilloge of Sunnyside ir.d,i;iiff::l:;r EOnSE DnAm[ UEABSE OF AmUryo EARS (pUoto courtegy of Peter il. Justen) AGO SHoIIIING ]I. J. JUSEEN AT lUE RmNS. ,0 PoIJo CASES RECEIVTNC ATD IN MCSIX{RY 0. KII{ANIS I,ADIES NIGHT fhe ilctrenrJr Kiranis CIub held a nladies tlhc ltcEerury' County Uarch of Dirres is givpolio Nightil neeting June 29th at the Lcgion ing financial aid to N cases of 1OO6 9I of the menbers attend.e Almost rv\rp 8a11. AIuloSrL victing rho are receiving retrabilitatlon I I1AIIo good was tims had by all. treatment reports county chaiman Albert land a J. Dewey of C4rsta} Lake. Inasmuch as 5q I the memberghip drive ras coaaluded rit] of the people of UcHenrlr cor:nty have not I the awarrling of hr:nerous prices to tJre received. even one shot of tbe SaIk I nen securing the most ner members. Four men, Dr. Leslle Krieger, Robert R. NeIIir there nay be even ner cases of polio this srurmer. fn spite of ride publicity, there Gilbert Eoggen Jos nnd Dr. John T. Gray, are thousa.nds of adults and teen-agers rho ' received aprons. Other new members who were rrnable to attend wiU- receive their have not had a preventative shot. eprorc at a subsequent neeting. Thist is Althougb no national pollcy has been deteruined, there is a feeling that a 'rherd traditionel with Kiwanis that new memberr looktt will be given to any ner ceses before reoeive eprons which must be worn at every neeting until a"Il club members hav financial aid is given rhere there is no .l ( Continued, on baclr pege) ( ] Continucd on baclc page)