q tBn.'tmm*m*Affi i;Lr&tdfftY 83ffi, ffiS r:l m"sE fiaR Usks tX} f:gru, CrH ffAj' ,gtH$ts m{ ffi,,:' M*Iffi$*fry A-ffi*.,' ' , fiiiiii$ili+iii iii+:i1irl$#fliiig eba& dfr AND AsK A*our ouR FREE COIG speaiier for our anriua-l Steer ri,oast rrhich ilrill take place Septenber 20th at the .,'ox r(Lver fforre i'i-crrlc Grove. Ihe servlngs.. 'rririch lrj.}I be from 2 to 6t irill feat;ure ;,lcHerr:ry Cor,rntyrs l+-H Champion Steer, "SPUli", viho u;'iIL be barbeiueo on an outdoor spr-t. ihe anj-maI was receritly purchasecl at the Iuiclienry County' I'aLr. rtfie lrrere proud to purchase thi.s steerl tt bli 1ler s;ated, " as vre felt that guests at the steer roast shou-Ici have the finest meat avarlable; and also by its purchase and W paying a preruluq price, we*e-qbourage l+-ti youngsters to c.o the-best faU 1ie:n ilj-norit;;;' Iader, as our principal ;iili+iEt'g;afiffiij ](ITTY & 'OE'S 24 HOUR TOWlilc Lrkrhnd Prrk on Roulr Tclephone ilcHcnry t2O D.X SERYICE STATIO]I sEnucE EV. 5-9779 E NTE R Pn IS Ark C)perctor For E 92OO Toll Free - Scrvice PHONE EV. 5.4920 frkHenry Ready-Illir (o. !nc. RTADY MIXED CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED 600 FRONT lican heclnct Comultteeman or W contaeting him in Tvoodstoek. He stated fucther that .this is to be a real o1d-fashioned fam:111' picnie wj-th dozens of atteryJ,arrce pri.zes and all sorts of ganes, rides, ailt firn for all. Parker stated that Art Giovannonl, assisted by .bil lJolrd, were the general chairmen of the Jteer iioast; and that combining *rei]' previous experience in planning th.is sort of an outing v;-ith rr5pllpr.r, 3 good ti::ae, n1th goocl food,, lyas assr.red plus a restful day on tire barrks of the i'ox riiver at Fox iiiver Grove. possible vith their livestocli-and other h-U projects. t' The picni-c is open to the publi-c ard. all are cordialli' imt ted. Charles Parkrr T\cket Chairrnan, stated, that tickets can be purchased from your 1ocal Repub- STREET McHENRY, ILL