i6 SEMI.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NTWSLETTER iied Cross in l.lcHeru-y Count;r h:,s been se1ect,ed as Assist;rnt Co-or.llnator for the Pan-American .iarrcs at Soldiers Fie1d in Ciricago. l[r. Bec]saan, elqplol-ed by the Illinois Belf Telepho:re Coqparl.' a,: the Supenrislng Instructor i-n rrrr:rican ited Cross ilirst Aj.d in thc StaLe Area of thc Ilhnois Stations in various parts of the City durlng the lan-Amerie-.n Games flom August 27 through Scptember 7 . Chi czrgo Chapter of the .A:rerj-can Red Cross r rrtro will operate 25 Rd Cross ri.rst Aid ed Telephone (jom.oaq!y, izas previous\r located in Woodstock. He is being loan- BeIl for Liris lmportant position to the YILLIGE OF SU]I]IYSIDE All Your Building Needs o IRIAA GUNTHER, Reporting Ev:.I.laga. . _ rnff Pmll snu[t tlrD tsltmilltG o Our Rourd-up soclal was a success ard, we iTrere happy to see so ranJr llon Sunrgrslde Estates and I t m sure weryone vrho 'cafie had a good tinp. i I hope you parents tel1 the little ones rto sta;r aray from the new homes that are :going up ln the Vi11age. ff they arent careful they can get hurt so be sure you 'cautlon then about playing there. r [Iy broiJrer Otto spent a reek rrrith us and was he glad that he was here during the terri.ble heat instead of in the city. At least vre have some big trees for shade and the rater to do sone fishi-ng. (Continrcd ncxt pegc) lile all frlcHEllRY tUfiIBTR CO. 0r r ilfiil slnttr llclltllil, lt[. Ardason True Scrvicc Tru Surfcry - PtrndDa - Rroovel nrcotrc W@d ttprrfrlog Ph: woodsrocn tIl-"iil; *"r.nry EV. s-2s76 Eo llEro pouv: 4 . gor 6t z ElPvts [ioAo llcHrrrnv. tt.r'rxors Phone EV. 5-4600 Peter il|. lusten & Son Funerat Hone McHenry EV. 5-0063 AR,OUND THE CLOCI( OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulance Service am W. Elm Strut lllinoir