# &ardd# :r1*p dtJM S t fiffi f i*f"&-*'}. iiltY iTr S iI .tu"rb I i i,l:*i'f f\, '"f ,,y, 'lu r;rY JAUiiITL{ ii0 li .: ri.d'j ,,,,'ll ; ,.j {tli,In,t r,iI'i'll:',{ *ii.r.',. ri}.,q}J t :l'l j'..lii:jc * [i{ ,llTJ -1. ,:". Lirl r"r gi, t * Jokut Ciir ** etld. *y:-*t: r*I:*wr:, r*11*u* .].n[' il-fr tii{} stiltutrsr hr:rri* ff; r:f J(},lu.t B *;-r:^grr**, "u,,3'. 't4:: ::,t $ J. tiilo 1,";rr if: Li"l::.1: ir.ffSi*, *.$ *. h,'};{* 5, ng_1 ;:,:; i..:.i."r:r3. wr: li'II"i";lirr'i t' ;" r" iae I r " ,, it i "[* ] s nnd. r:,rf-"jr -';l:: t#. lIl' 1,i:i,1,-*tii,, i -j',,,ii' s.iP;,r] ;"jli f{ii}ryJ::.'l; *1,*:.'t*xr$x!.t * VILUICE $F McCULLoltl LAKE MELINDA SCARBROUGH, RePorting EV. Sorry to hear tnet Uominic llouasello had. ar unfortunate aceid.ent shich d'elayeo hin in returrring to school. While he was moring the }awn, a piece of steel flew up fron tt biad.e a$tt lod"ged in the bone of Lris left" }eg. ldonday he entered' the hospit*f in llicHeffiXr and. w1s operated on at iOtlO T\,resd.ay ldorulng of last EGko He 5_3t32 Iftr" and &Ire* James Jobes and' chil"dren returned kr*pme Sturday rcruingl 'August 30r afben a wsekr s vaeetian in ]lfashLngtone D" C" Hhile theren theY ulsited ks' Jobes r brother ar:S h:Ls famiry ard dI:Ld a hasacasto"nielegarrd'w.iureturrrto a school tbis week. Hope he ls feeling Iot better bY ttowo to Marian Birthday wlshes are extend.ed.of Sept' 20th tf'" Scarbrol.r.Sl on-Sr*a"y Eappy BirthdaY Moml--. Belated. Sirtbday Wishes go to Ar:told Berry nho celebraled' his d'ay on- Srxrday' iept. ]]th. This young Inan was 1{ years old. HaPPY BlrthdaY ArnY! Miss. ibyllis Piotrowski ls very busy preparing for the Big Day in her life' What could this be? My }ittle sister was injured while she jlrmping on her pogo stick' The doctor Jobest uother. Utahie and Heman Laungerbeck had a d.ietrrrbirrg visitor whom tbey could. not figure out. Every day they heard a hocking sourrd. outside but couldnr t d.eteruine what it was untii recently they were surprised. to find a uoodpeclcer tryins to nake a Iarger open:ing in a snall bizdhouse that' they have for the rrrens ! Ihe Teen-Age Club have plamned. a Hot Dog roasf, for their fir:al doings- lot of sightseeSxrg* On the rray home &hey stopped in CoLl":i-nsrriller Pennqylvaniarad. visited. Ltrs' m ImHnuruffI rill ffiYICI GEORGE R. JUSTEN & SON "r"ordereilher to stay home ]ast tr'riday' Marilyn should. be back to normal by this week. Funeral ; tcHEltlRY, lLL. Furnilurr - CrrpcE - Linolcurru Werhing *lechinc - Frigidrirci Oxrgen. Equippca Ambuhno -Scrwicc Direcfors Phone McHenry EV. 5.2.m0