i5 SEM I.MONTHLY PICTOR I AL.NEWSLETTER OF SU]I]IYSTDE ' UILTIGE tRf,Ll GUNTHER, Reporring ,$a$m &$$ i. Sm[m il Must Go *.-.$mtg less crossing streets. meeti-ng on $eptember Elr.J:sJg{ _ IrTelI, the school be11s are rj-nging once again ano ttre chrlqren are back 5.n school, so (ion'b forget when you are out drrvirg to be ver;r careful of ttrem because sourc of them are boumi. to get care- of Our 19S$ ffiamrblers COME 11{ I{OTYIII anywhere 'on our large . supply of Rambler Sedanr rnd Cross Country Station Wagons. 2tl, at the con"rnuuity ha1l. Letfs all come out in fu1l strength. St. Johnts P.f .A. uLI} have their first meeting on Septenber 28, at the eorrnun:lty hal1. Letts all come out in full St. Johnrs P.I.A. ril1 have ttiei-r first meeting on Sept. 28, at ttre eoxmr:.nity halI. So let r s all eone out in frrI1 Si. Johnts P.T.A. rilI have their first We rre making the Best Deal obtaineble coitE tH t{ow I I I &r Social *sr- {?re msnth }yas a hardtimes partv, beeause so lnerly lvere int' erested in havi:rg a hay rid.e again, the Comittee rent all over tqnklg t* arrange i-nstead, Do you have arsrone rrho wor.Od strengbh. Seiheils lHotor $ales 405 Elm Street McHenry, lllinois Phones:.EV. 5.536I; EV.'5-4387 orre, but were to3.d they rere being discontinued. So se had the hard tlmes party like to tak voice, vj"olin or piano lessons? If you d.o, get in touch ?Etth Sister Celesti.a at St" , Johnts. Children of argr faith are wel"orn* and each pupil ril1 be treated fairly so rvhy donrt you call Sister at EY 5-516lZ LITELIilD PIRI( . TIGATERINGBNE mks'-E'{&ffis 8[SBk@sB amd ilibs Sf;eaaff,Sap * BEVENLY "ryICTENKAXTP Dhbetic Foods Baked Lasagna-- Chop Suey Home Baked pies and Gakes Many Hard to Get'Goodies Food Furnished for Parties Large or Small Phone EV. 5-0754 and Don't Be Disappointed ,' EV. 5'306e Therets a nem girl in Don Hr:nannts Ltfe-she t s Ii ut1.e uiargar=t Patri.ciat tr'lewest d,aughter of Csro1e arxt lron Humann this little rlLlisstr made her appearance on Aug, 2l+th at the rtarensrooo Hospitale Chicagoe tipping tne scale at 7 pourrdsl 1O ounees. Anxlously waiting for a peek at thejr new si-ster were the ottrer flrroinenlr iu Donts life: Kattqr, Ibnna, and ifiary Beth. 0n Mondayl August 2lrthrwee lit'L1e Helen Joan made her debut at Harvard Hospi.ta! weighlng a petite $ porrnde, 13 ornceS o This little lady is ttre daughter of very qroud parents lorraj-ne and John Arient of - - PA]ITRY DEUGAGIES mGHEilny,S ONLY DELTCATESSE]a 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 5 Days - Monday thru Friday Saturday ? a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.