tp SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORI have roroven that one-thrro of the amount saved is actually used, for Christmas shopping. Another thrrO Ls normally con- vertecl to perma.uarlt savl-ngs, whrle the balance r-s used to pay off bills or for Butri6p611s other individual neeos . ' The Christrnas Club' originated nation- ally in 1910 and norl exceeds over a bill- ion dollars annuaIly. The CIub has made a tremendous contrlbution to the nationls econorry through the years. Many of this courrtryrs hundred nrillion savers nade their first contact with banking through the Christmas Club Savings P1an. HOSPITi,L AIIXTTIARY ADDS TO Bi]TIDING FTIND The buil ding fund of MeHenry Hospltal-e il{cHenry, has been enriched by $21000 W the institution I s Tlio-nen ts Auxiliary. This was the final payment on a ii5r00O d.onation pledged \y the group torr*:ard the hospital f s e:rpansion plans for an 18-bed addition rrith a uraternity department.The pledge was nade ciuring a fund drive ln tg57. ; ifus, Fled Boncr and, *6rs. iled Fladinardo, the Auxiliary I s presiclent ano treasurer, respectively; presenteci the eheck to James M. Lennon, Hospital Treasurer' The ;j6r000 giftr gne of the larger Gon- atrons made to the funue i,{as rar-seo thru varr-ous actrvities of the Auxiliary, ace- orolng to ivirs. Bond. Tirese inclucieo pro- ceecis f'rorn the Fink Lady iihopper Country Art Fair, Spri;:g Fashion Shonr, and a theatre partXr she said. JAYCEES STILI OPEN FON CHAETER J{EMtsF,BS Icung men interested 1n joirrng the nelvfur.-formed loca-1 chapter of the Jun- ior Chalnber of Comrnerce may call Bob Svoboda at EV 5-t7t9. Age linrits are 21 through 3, years "of age. All Crnrrrl Oflict Supplirt LEADING BRANDS TYPEWRITERS AND AODING 'UTACHINESTENTED IffiAUSE I{EWS AGEilCY 308 E. Elm Strcct phone EV. 5-4o15 .NEWSLETTER IHOftIAS P. BOTGER THE IIcHENRY DRUGGIST Phone EV. 54500 tlcHenry ALTHOFF,s GAS SERY 'CE700 Front St. Htone EU- il200 Complete thet ef Ra& Ilisptted Imdrr We Clou" Our'Doors Forever December 24 There is sfill time lo lake advantage of the Tremendous Savings we have offered on guf remaining Stock of Furniture Unsold merchandise will be sold to ihe New Owners and original prices wilt prevail - 3o ACT NOW AND SAVE GEORGE R. IUSTEil & SOt{ /anotlaaa Across from the Bank McHENRY