t i"r SEM I.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NEWSLETTER MCHIII{RY AIIEA PLtsT,TC S"iT},,tr,{IUS POOL CO}S.{ITTEE TO HOLN COi[,i,E:iT Per:ons interested in heioing out the Surir,rning Pool llrnd nav contact Ral ph Benr:- ettr Harrv Dean, Bil-1 hies, Eirnest Useman, or Bill Bolger for inforrnation regarding a contest to be he.l.d . Fri zes awarcied will be in the forilr of l-year charter member- ships to the -Srrinfiring ;'oo1 . MCHENRY ITECR!.ATI.,N fulENIS 250 .CIIJB J. I(LEIN 2BB R PrieS. 2,6 M. Kreuger 26f,, R. tr{eyland 256 1ry. Wbbb 2& N. kitz 255 M- Crouch 251+ F. Iour 252 C, Corso 25-T c. Viseontl zfi MONDAY IADI}iS IT'AGUE ?:OO PM PAI.,ACE NECREATION HIC*I SCORE McHenrY DisPosal Service Betty llockman br1- ELm Paint and $uPPlY Laura Fer"nerda l+Zf EarI Walsh Insuranee Lois Obouch Carey Appliance frene Uhles Wg 389 9:00 PM LADIES tEAGtrE Riverside Bake ShoP Lorraine Steffes \25 Sportsman|s Inn Aliee C'aulke ltZS Cary Castle View fnn Joyce Dillon l+82 Ibrkts Sporting Goocis Dorottry Kelscy hl+lt rUR. AND MR[]. OENTiIIS STI-,AU,,dNN Pi-ctured above are L{r. anci Mrs , i,bnn:Ls Straumann who *""u **""i"4 ai St. Pat- rick I s Chr:rch on Obtober 10. L{rs. Strau- mann ts ttf* fol*t Fyffi Piotrorrrski ' BTESSED EI,ENT AT THE AAI,IO I S A tt\risiting'r dog at the Ray Aalto residenee deposited her litter of eight cute little pupples unde the house.t?on hearlng the strange Do1ry sounil.s, the Aalto I I thought sorre kittens had eome to visit. Horu"reverr vrhen Bil1y went to take a pan of mi-lk to the mother rrcat'|, no one eould have been more surprised than he was to see puppi-es instead, ."'tr. and i.Irs. Bob i{night and three chil- dren of Lahange, and 1,{r. and J,,b::. Art Sttttrlfeier spent I?ranksgiving Day at the Ben Gates home. ALICE MARIE BEAUTY SHOP PEtNAreTT WAYES _ TmffiilG -. STYT,ING FIAXCE3 llYDEt'l 2Ol t{. llur.-rldr ,Drivr ilcHrory, lttilpil EV. 5-0ggo Gircle Ba6er Shop RAY PLUCINSKI, PnPririlor Butch - Cror Cut - Fhf ToPo Rr. l7O Vz Blocl E.cn.of Dridf G}IOP SUEY $1.00 pT plate HOME.AAADE SOUP x"-urrg;",.d Other Snacks Ph.: EV. 5-2687 For Orders To Take Out. Open l0 A.M. ro 8 P.M. Closed Mondays Louise's Snack Lc o0^*.' ra I al ,\7c l. --- >. ./_