iGandid Pictures riFootball Dinner lYe hope that all your dreams of o joyous holiday come true and that many tnore happy occasions will come your way in the days to follow. ilYE.WAtGREEt{ AGENCY 129 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, lllinois v SEM I.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NEWSLETTER TNCTIENPY DISPOSAL SERVICE William DeVries lI5 East Thrid Street Gharles f,l. lustice of the Peace McHenrY, !ll. Another joyous holiday seasot rs here and another oppor- tunity for us to wish all our 'good triends and patrons every happiness and _success. .TS.1 . d@ THEO OLSEN & SON ;:- Mason and General 'r Contracting 901 E. John St. McHenry, lll. //',. l fr #: -,' ;."FWf t.* ,f r.i ,.:'tI