?l SEMI.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NEWSLETTER .ItTE.IilD PIRI( BEYETLY tu:t:=r:[f, Fbom the s ize of the crowd,, I feel safe in saying the l,burth Annual Snory Ball Dan- ee spqnsored by the Womenr s -Clqb as a i S*oonL. Qor-tingt GEO. W. l(OTAul(' cAlrERA CENTET !t7 N. Rlvoruldo Drlvr Phcno EY. 54t175 ffri,shnnsgW oRDER YouR luurtin NOIr/. FOR CHRtSTttAS LTNGONBERRIES SWEDISH POTATOE Sn'*tsage HOfiTE MAPE PIES AND (&{Es_ _ .t GIFT BoxEs AhrD bAsrers or IETPORTED CHEESES AND CHOCOLATES-:. Ghop $uey Smoked Salmon r Frcsh OYstcrc , Many Herd to Get Goodier Foryld Furnirhed for Particr - Large cr SmellPhone EV. 5{754 - end Don'l Be Dinppointcd PA]ITRV IIEUGAGIES mfHEXnY1S OtilLY pELrcAfGSSEra 9 e.m. to 9 p.m. 5 Dayr - Xlonday thru FrideySeturday 9 a.m. lo 7:30 p.m. Sunday 9 e.m. to 8 p.m. nugtE;cessr -'liver;rvrhere I lookeo frienos and neighbors reall;r seemeci to be enjoy- ing themselves. Some of the fauulliar fac- es belongeo to the Bill Boclgnanl Jr.r fam- ily; Belohavelrr s; CaseyrsrAltmannrs; Cinar s. Battos; Parisi t si BottariIs; UlI-ners;Illetzs; Garnts; Daw-sonf si Ken tsoycestg.i Crerstedts; Ed Glorchts; Herzogt si' &rrnannts; fianets; I Forster Glorcht si Kwiatekrs; f,aursent s; iGladmant si Barle s : Malinorskits; 0zogtsi Radisch I s; Rode t s; Matthervs I i R:,zzor s; Ilbtich tsi T{ohnracie ts; Brookf s; Chisn:arts; ,Rogers; Strandquist ts; Id.stej:rtsi llansentsi land T{agner t s. The Arnerican Legion HaII i*r beiutifully decorated for the holi- : day season by a comnrittee headed by the one and only Bernice Boyce. Nothing b:r ipraise can be said of-'the girls who rork- lsd so hard to make it the d.ance it wasl;' Un Srrnoay, Iriovember 29ths our own Sudan ilynn was baptised by Rev- Burton Sctrroeder ;aL Uativlty Luttreran Ckrui'che wond.er le,ke.'On hano for thls very imp-ortant occasion : wefe iftr. and I rs . Frlnk Estings, Susan r s : : 'sponsor:s and their chi-ldren Ja&j.e and : MJ-kee and brothers Rob & Dave. Irri flue : Rev. Schroeder wilr long'remember hve, who just cticinrt know hon to sit stilIt Congratulations go to [,1r. and. ffis. birth of a son, borrr, November ehtfr at Woodstock Hemorial Hospital. 01d Santa"xf,Lll agai-n stop at Lakeland Park this )rear" He will arrive on Sun- day, Dee. 20th, at our Consaunity House. Because of his very busy sehedule he untll i HPISTMAS Seibel Motors Sales 4fl1 Elm Sireet McHenry, lllinoir PHONE EV 5-5361; EV 5-/887 Your Local Ranrhler Sa{as and Service Representative A MEPPY