g sEM I.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL-NEWSLETTER VILL{GE CF i,iCCULIOi'{ Ltfiu CTUPLE 0BSfir?IE GOIDE{'d{EDilIi'[G ANI\IV-RSARY About thjrty-five people gathereo at the hcme of ,'rf,e &ocr ifrs. Seigfried. Stev- enson on llrioay, January 8th, to help the couple celebrate their golcien wedd- ing anniversary. fhe eouplets son and daughter-in-1ar.re riJr. ano l,{rs. .George Haines, and i'drs. Bill Sctsridt hosted the party. Many good frienus and neighbons ealled during the evenlng to Fralr homage. The Stevensons received rnany nlee g{ts: , &1r. Stevenson was eroploygd as a rnach- ,inist uatrl his retirement tn Lg5T lv.hen , they moved to i,,1c0ullom Lake. ON TRAI};INGffi President of the village of 1{cCullom Iake J. R. Levesque who is also a Lt. Cldr. in the Naval Reserve Training Comr- and returned on Tlrt:sday from a trfp to Key :ifest, .Florida. Purpose of the nr-lssion was t transport a squadron that will be cruising in that area. i.,h. Levesque is also up for election as Republican preeinct committeeman of he* einct One, in the April prlmarles. CULLO:,;-III{CLL ASSOCIATION BIiTLDII{G FUl{" SOCIAI The rexb social to raise flrnds for tire Recreatlon Buirding will be held at Ber- nlce ancr ilhiteyts on January 23, B:00 ltd. Refleshri:ents will be served free. Ladj-es of the Lalce will meet Thursciaye January 2U, B:00 Pivle at the home of ivths. "r{arie Hoi,,e, 5tZ Fountain Lane, Village of i,Itc0ullon L REPIELICAI'I CANDIOATE FOR CUUTTT UUTIOI{M, ilr. John C. Goetschel of lvlcHenry has an- nounced hi-s eanoiclacy for the offiee of County Coroner .in the coming Republican kimary Eleetlon to be held in Apri1. Prnllm f,n ililnEffims PHONE EV. or SAVE RAI}TBOW CLEANERS N. Front Strcrt fcHonry, lll. (Around eorner North of National Teat OPEil FRIDAY EVE]I|I}IGS TO ' ?. T. GHOP SUEY $1.00 per plate xome*rE-e s(ruP Hmburg:r rnd (}|ftcr Snr.ltr Plr.: EY. *?fi, For Ordcr To T.k (hrf. Op.n lO A-m" lo I P-m. CIGGd fonarfr Louise's $naslt $ho Rivcrri& hts LC ooa3 "Belieye me... it PAyS to be FUSSy obou] D,Y Cleoning!' S$nl for Pick-up Service loo/o Cash 'N Carry al gqtB Phone EV 5.ltt56 PLT'If,BING AT{D HEATINC CONTR,ACNOB J. T. MAHONEY A Rcliablc Plumbcr Prolccts Yow llcalth 3Ot Uy. Elm Stnot j mcHrrrry, ltltnoh ; a . t30 BYj,\rj Nw'I