b sEV l -MONTHLY ptcToR |AL-NEW5LETTER Sehild; the l{cHenrlr Rotary CIub and the \(oodstock Kj_wanis C1ub. 0thcr meeti_ngs echeduled lnclucle Feb. 9th at Fox i?"j-ver Crrove, arranged by Don I{a11e for lrorkersi Feb. 25, at Clarence Ol-son Sehool in irioocistock, for workers in the Y{oodstock Coru:runit;r, led by },rhs. 1{arge [r.ve, Residential Chalrman; Lee Coone;,', 'rloodstock Brtsiness Ctrairnan; John Tornow, I{artland Chalrr.:a-r, Lorren iilasselr, Dorr Tolrnship Chalrman, arur trt Galtj Green- 'rood Chairman; and l{onciay mornlng, Feb. 29th at B:OO Ald, 1n L{cHenry t'or the work- ers in the eiry, .rt.ra_[. and a]] subdivisions. Leaders here inelude tr{rs. Gertrude Barb- ianl li(rs. Verona Kerte }l{rs. l{arie Holie, Ifr. and ldrs . B. J. Eternick, Ilhs . J. K. Rothermel, Idrs. John Gray, NIrs. Eileen Longfield, lfrs . L. Eggert and ]ufrs. Leona Fantus. The folloninfl have been names as cap- tains: Hi'ghland Shorese Merl Hansen; IIrs. $Ialter Herrlng, Arowhead Subdivi- sion, Cary. ",'/ill i-am J"ldridge has been named Cren- eral FUrxt Clnairman j.n Crystal Lake and ilonald Bruns tril1 serve in Car1r in that oapaeity. Thank God You Are l-rurng ln the United States 'I.IATrwrY EllaNG!,iJ0AL LI'THER.LN 0HIJRCH It has been gratrflring to see new pro- gress up at the nerr chr:rch site thcse Ory" as the vrorkrnen begin to put on the selond floor. After a long oelay vrart- 1ng for the arches, wj-noowse &rl'r roof deck to corl€, no'w they can go ahead wii;h the arrival of these parts' Ivar Fbed- rickson and Son, our contractors, have d.one a fine iob, an'1 they are presslng for as early a completion date as poss- 1b1e, whlch we hope u-iII be in early Spring. TIe ask the continued support of tire members and' comm:ni-ty t'hat nothing vriLl keep us flom completing the ehurch so that rve can start using these new fac- ilities that we so geatly need' Thls has been a conrrm-rnity church anct a colm- unity project, ano Yre have been grateful for everything you have oone for us' Ardcror Trcc Srrrh. Tr* frfrY' ?LldDa - l@Yd tlrrplrc Wod SDrrthS talorca_ Ph: Woodrlock FE. 8.2598; McHcnry EV. 5.2526 Eo FGro pourr a . Eor 6l? llavrs BoAo llcH:xrt. tr'r-rioti GHOP SUEY S1.00 per plate -Hunburpr rrd()tlrr Snrclr Plu: EY. i?fi| For Orrdrr To Trft. qr. Op.o tO A-m. no a P.t Clod ffonaryr touise's $nack $ho 139 N. Rivrrrtdo hte LC o* 3% PddOitI Silhss Dceosits tcHenry State Banlt IGHCXIY.- lLIlllOlS Sriq Sir*r lna h-t r d F.D-|-C.